Digital Data Security

by Heather C. Hudak

Published 5 March 2019
Social networks and online shopping sites encourage users to share personal information about themselves, but this can expose them to Identity spoofing and theft. Digital Data Security explores the many issues involved with cyber security, how companies combat hackers, and and how individuals must take charge of their own digital safety.

More than 65 million people are displaced in the world today and at least 17 million are refugees. This topical title addresses the issues surrounding how the world, and western countries in particular, deal with the overwhelming scale of refugees and immigrants flooding across borders.

Universal Health Care

by Heather C. Hudak

Published 27 March 2020

Education Equality

by Heather C. Hudak

Published 27 March 2020
The 2019 college admissions scandal in the United States, where more and 50 people were involved in a $25 million dollar bribery scheme, brought the issue of equality and equity in education to public attention in a shocking way. But education equality is about more than college admissions. This thoughtful book examines the issue of public education, education equality, and the education system’s role in helping students reach their full potential for the good of all.


by Heather C. Hudak

Published 1 July 2021


by Heather C. Hudak

Published 1 July 2021

Pandemic Strategies

by Heather C. Hudak

Published 15 September 2023