Lady Roseanne

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 17 May 2001
A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...Matt's new girlfriend, Lauren, has gone on a study trip and left her beautiful horse, Lady Roseanne, at Half-Moon Ranch. Keen to impress, Matt pays lots of attention to the appaloosa mare. So he loses it big-time when he finds lovely Lady covered in cuts and scratches. He blames the new wrangler, Karina Cooper but Kirstie suspects someone or something else is to blame...

Eagle Wing

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 16 August 2001
A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...Feeding horses in Pond Meadow early one spring morning, Kirstie comes across an abandoned and heavily pregnant mare. A scribbled note gives the beautiful paint a name - Eagle Wing. Clues link her to a Mexican family staying in a nearby trailer park. But before Kirstie can act, she must help the mare give birth to a perfect foal. Only afterwards can she begin to solve the mystery behind Eagle Wing's sudden appearance...


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 19 April 2001
A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...New arrival Moondance is a salebarn bargain; beautiful but only half schooled. Hadley blames rival dude owner, Ty Tyler, for the blue roan's bad habits and poor condition. Kirstie shares the old wrangler's doubts over Tyler's claims for his magical horse-training method. But she's not happy when Hadley rides into a head-on confrontation which could put both his and Moondance's lives at risk...

"Wild Horses" - Leading a trek in early summer, the fine weather turns and a landslide in a deep mountain gorge separates Kirstie and her pony, Lucky, from the rest of her group. They're trapped in Dead Man's Canyon with a herd of wild horses, one of whom has been hurt by falling rocks. How is Kirstie going to help the injured stallion? "Rodeo Rocky" - At a local rodeo contest, Kirstie is horrified to spot one badly-cut horse being forced back into the arena. She persuades her mother to buy him for Half-Moon Ranch. But training an ex-rodeo pony isn't easy, and when Rodeo Rocky throws Kirstie his fate hangs in the balance again. Will Kirstie win her fight to keep and tame the problem horse?

Jethro Junior is a star jumping horse, tested out by Kirstie over a long, hot summer. The creeks are dry and the threat of forest fires looms large. So when townie campers carelessly discard a lighted match on Eagle's Peak, it's not long before a bush fire rages. First on the scene, Kirstie must ride for help - but there's only one way out, and it involves Jethro jumping the biggest obstacle ever...


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 16 November 2000
A wild and dangerous mountain setting and a daughter who lives, breathes and sleeps horses is a recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...When Starlight's young owner, Jay, falls ill, the Scotts take the horse in. But the restless, highly strung horse doesn't settle, so Kirstie fixes a secret meeting for him and Jay. The reunion is a great success, but the parting almost breaks both their hearts. Now Starlight pines worse than before, while Jay's illness turns critical. Has Kirstie made a bad mistake?