What are Earth's Biomes?

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 March 2009
This title is suitable for children of ages 7 to 9 years. Earth has six major types of environments with different climates and containing complex communities of plants and animals that have adapted to the special conditions in each. These types of environments are called biomes. The main biomes are: freshwater, marine, desert, forest, tundra, and grassland. They are broken down into seventeen sub-categories. This easy-to-understand book explains this important subject and stresses the importance of conserving our precious biomes and the life forms that inhabit each one.

What Senses Do Animals Have

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 March 2009
This fascinating book will thrill children with interesting facts, like how crickets hear with their legs, how bats and dolphins use echolocation, how elephants hear low-frequency sounds, and how sharks use their lateral line for sensing movement in water. This book, illustrated with magnificent photographs, is more interesting than a science-fiction novel!

What Do Animals Migrate

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 March 2009
This book has fabulous photographs, easy-to-follow text, and will bring migrating animals to life for children! Come inside and follow grazing zebras and antelopes as they move in their search for food. See the different kinds of birds that make their seasonal trips to warmer climates, and whales who swim huge distances to reproduce.