Steamboat Charlie

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 14 June 2001

A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...

Steamboat Charlie, a big black gelding, arrives at Half-Moon Ranch with a bad reputation for bucking off his riders. But Kirstie likes the black gelding's playful nature and happily works with him, until a random gunshot during a forest ride shatters the peace. Was the shot an accident or deliberate? Can Kirstie uncover the mystery - and find out the truth about Steamboat's past?


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 19 July 2001

A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...

Kirstie is pleased that Skylark and her foal Hummingbird become the favourite subject of artist Leon Powell during his visit to Half-Moon Ranch. But tragedy strikes when a freak snowstorm traps the bay mare and her foal freezes to death. An outraged Powell sets about exposing the Scotts for their "cruelty". But Matt Scott isn't convinced that Hummingbird's death was quite so clear-cut. Meanwhile, poor Skylark pines for her dead foal...

Silver Spur

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 March 2001

A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...

The ranch's new wrangler, Troy Hendren, is full of stories of his years spent cowboying in Montana and his faithful horse, Silver Spur. According to Troy, Silver Spur can spin on a ten-cent piece and understand every word he says. But oldtimer Hadley Crane is suspicious of this flashy cowboy. When a guest mislays an antique gold locket, is Hadley right in pointing the finger at Troy?

Johnny Mohawk

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 April 1999
Kirstie Scott lives at Half-Moon Ranch, where her mother runs a pony trekking centre. She has her own palomino pony and together they love riding the local trails. Storms, floods and earth tremors are all facts of life in this wild terrain, and at times the landscape itself proves the enemy to both horse and rider.

Midnight Lady

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 20 May 1999

Kirstie Scott lives at Half-Moon Ranch, where her mother runs a pony trekking centre. She has her own palomino pony and together they love riding the local trails. Storms, floods and earth tremors are all facts of life in this wild terrain, and at times the landscape itself proves the enemy to the horses and riders.

Watching a neighbouring rancher break in three new horses, Kirstie is horrified by her cruel treatment of one particularly strong-willed mare, Midnight Lady. In a desperate bid to free her, Kirstie pays a night-time visit to the ranch. But her plan backfires when not one, but eight horses escape and disappear into the mountains. Now Kirstie's in big trouble - should she own up? And if she does, will she ever see Midnight Lady again?

Rodeo Rocky

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 21 January 1999
At a local rodeo contest, Kirstie is horrified to see an injured horse. Upset by the way the horse is treated, she persuades her mother to buy him. But Kirstie soon learns that training an ex-rodeo horse is not easy, and when Rocky throws Kirstie on a steep mountain trail, his fate hangs in the balance once more...

This is a recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...

It's midsummer and a busy time at the ranch. So why does Sandy Scott let Taryn West stay for free? Kirstie soon learns that Taryn's life has recently fallen apart - her mom is missing presumed dead and her dad is the chief suspect. When novice rider Taryn disappears on her favourite horse, Diamond Charm, Kirstie sets off to track her down - before they find themselves battling to save the life of another member of this torn and tragic family ...

Crazy Horse

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 18 March 1999
Two horses go missing from the Half Moon meadow one night. Cadillac's a real beauty, but Crazy Horse, his inseparable companion, has to be one of the ugliest horses around. Why would anyone steal him? When Crazy Horse returns, dirty and dishevelled, Kirsty knows he will lead her to Cadillac.

Wild Horses

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 21 January 1999
Kirsty lives at Half Moon Ranch, where her mother runs a pony trekking centre. She has her own palomino pony and loves riding the local trails. When a landslide separates her from her group, and injures a wild stallion nearby, she must ride for help. But can she find a way through?

Third Time Lucky

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 17 June 1999

Kirstie Scott lives at Half-Moon Ranch, where her mother runs a pony trekking centre. She has her own palomino pony and together they love riding the local trails. Storms, floods and earth tremors are all facts of life in this wild terrain, and at times the landscape itself proves the enemy to the horses and riders.

Kirstie and her palomino, Lucky, are as close as a horse and rider can be. But now a mystery illness threatens their partnership and puts Lucky's life in danger. Neither the local vet, not Kirstie's brother, Matt, can identify what's wrong. So Kirstie makes a third and final attempt to find a cure for her horse. Driving Lucky deep into the Rockies, she seeks out Zak Stone, a reclusive but legendary horse doctor - will he be able to save Lucky's life?


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 18 May 2000
It's Kids' Week at the ranch. Kirstie befriends Lacey, a loner with a natural talent for riding. Besotted with her horse, a blue roan gelding called Gunsmoke, Lacey breaks ranch rules and rides off trail alone. When she fails to return, Kirstie worries that Lacey has had an accident or has run away - unaware a heavy storm is brewing...

Hollywood Princess

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 17 February 2000
Half-Moon Ranch has a new horse: Hollywood Princess - a pure white, silky-maned mare with star quality. But when Kirstie's best friend, Lisa, enters a fun rodeo competition with Hollywood, an accident leaves both horse and rider badly injured. Lisa can't bear for the horse to be destroyed, but does Hollywood have the willpower to pull through?

Danny Boy

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 16 March 2000
Danny Boy is an energetic black colt, new to the ranch. Out on the trail, a guest's poor judgement brings Danny down. Trapped on a ledge, there's no way of reaching him - until Kirstie remembers some disused silver mine workings. Could an old site plan help her to carry out a daring rescue?

Navaho Joe

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 20 January 2000

Kirstie Scott lives at Half-Moon Ranch, where her mother runs a pony trekking centre. She has her own palomino pony and together they love riding the local trails. Storms, floods and earth tremors are all facts of life in this wild terrain, and at times the landscape itself proves the enemy to the horses and riders.

A mystery horse has appeared on Eagle's Peak. He's the perfect Native American mustang - strong, athletic, wilful... And lost! Kirstie names the beautiful Appaloosa Joe. But her attempts to tempt him down to Half-Moon Ranch fail. When two strangers turn up claiming ownership, Kirstie should be relieved; with winter closing in, Joe surely won't survive much longer out on the peak. But somehow she doesn't trust the strangers - and nor, it seems, does Joe...

Little Vixen

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 20 April 2000
Brad Martin, a famous reining expert, visits Half Moon Ranch with his champion horse, Little Vixen. Kirstie adores the horse but suspects the man - especially when she sees him getting close to her mother. She's heard he's fallen on hard times and is worried he's after a share of the Half Moon profits. Her worry turns to alarm when a sudden fire traps Little Vixen in the barn. Is Martin to blame? If so, why would he put his own horse in danger? Kirstie aims to untangle the truth from the lies...

Golden Dawn

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 June 2000
There's excitement at the ranch when Golden Dawn gives birth to a foal, Tatum. But when flash floods pour down and wreak havoc in the meadow, Tatum goes missing. Could the foal have survived the flood? Kirstie and Golden Dawn set off upriver to find out. Ahead lies danger - sub-zero night temperatures, wild animals, and the ever present threat of another disastrous flood...

Jethro Junior is a star jumping horse, tested out by Kirstie over a long, hot summer. The creeks are dry and the threat of forest fires looms large. So when townie campers carelessly discard a lighted match on Eagle's Peak, it's not long before a bush fire rages. First on the scene, Kirstie must ride for help - but there's only one way out, and it involves Jethro jumping the biggest obstacle ever...

Eagle Wing

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 2 June 2011
Feeding horses in Pond Meadow early one spring morning, Kirstie comes across an abandoned and heavily pregnant mare. A scribbled note gives the beautiful paint a name - Eagle Wing. Clues link her to a Mexican family staying in a nearby trailer park. But before Kirstie can act, she must help the mare give birth to a perfect foal. Only afterwards can she begin to solve the mystery behind Eagle Wing's sudden appearance ...

Lady Roseanne

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 2 June 2011
Matt's new girlfriend, Lauren, has gone on a study trip and left her beautiful horse, Lady Roseanne, at Half-Moon Ranch. Keen to impress, Matt pays lots of attention to the appaloosa mare. So he loses it big-time when he finds lovely Lady covered in cuts and scratches. He blames the new wrangler, Karina Cooper but Kirstie suspects someone or something else is to blame ...


by Jenny Oldfield

Published 2 June 2011

A recipe for trouble for ranch owner, Sandy Scott. But her daughter, Kirstie is undaunted by her mother's warnings. She's at her happiest riding the trails through the tall forests and deep canyons of the Meltwater Range...

New arrival Moondance is a salebarn bargain; beautiful but only half schooled. Hadley blames rival dude owner, Ty Tyler, for the blue roan's bad habits and poor condition. Kirstie shares the old wrangler's doubts over Tyler's claims for his magical horse-training method. But she's not happy when Hadley rides into a head-on confrontation which could put both his and Moondance's lives at risk...