Book 8

Bad Cat, Ned!

by Ann Bryant

Published 25 January 2007

Stories of no more than 70 words, focusing on CVC words with short vowel sounds plus phonemes of more than one letter. In this story, Sal is horrified when her naughty cat Ned gets on the bus with her!

Book 66

Jump, Toad, Jump!

by Ann Bryant

Published 11 November 2010

Stories of no more than 160 words, focusing on long vowel phonemes.

Toad is sad. He has lost his jump. Can Sheep, Cow, Donkey, Pig or Mouse make his jump come back?

Jack the Pet Duck

by Ann Bryant

Published 8 February 2007
Stories of no more than 100 words, focusing on phonemes of more than one letter plus simple polysyllabic words. In this story, Jack's owner is far too busy to play with him. But then Jack decides to find another pond ...

Stories of no more than 160 words, focusing on long vowel sounds. Toad is sad. He has lost his jump. Can Sheep, Cow, Donkey, Pig or Mouse make his jump come back? Perhaps Mouse's little surprise will help!