
by Ruth Thomson

Published 29 January 2009
This book follows the life cycle of a frog, from laying frogspawn in a pond, to developing from tadpoles, into froglets and finally frogs. The book looks at the frog's habitat, threats, what it eats and how it grows. Questions and facts encourage the reader to look more closely at the detailed photographs.

Popcorn: Life Cycles: Chicken

by Ruth Thomson

Published 12 February 2009
This book follows the life cycle of a chicken, from laying eggs to hatching, nurturing them and teaching them how to find food and shelter. The book shows the chick at each stage of its life. Questions and facts encourage the reader to look more closely at the detailed photographs.

Popcorn: Life Cycles: Sunflower

by Ruth Thomson

Published 29 January 2009
This book follows the life cycle of a sunflower from when its planted, to growing shoots and leaves looking at what it needs to grow. It ends showing the sunflower at the end of summer, showing how the sunflower's seeds can be used again to grow another sunflower, perfectly illustrated the cycle of life. Questions and facts encourage the reader to look more closely at the detailed photographs.


by Ruth Thomson

Published 24 January 2013
This book follows the life cycle of a bumblebee, from the queen laying eggs in the nest to worker bees collecting nectar for grubs.

Popcorn: Life Cycles: Bumblebee

by Ruth Thomson

Published 12 February 2009
This book follows the life cycle of a bumblebee, from the queen laying eggs in the nest to worker bees collecting nectar for grubs.