
by Geoff Teece

Published 1 August 2004

Religion in Focus: Islam

by Geoff Teece

Published 23 October 2003
The 'Religion in Focus' series examines major world faiths, and offers information on key tenets and beliefs, prominent figures, festivals and holy writings connected to each religion, as well as the different forms in which those religions are practised.


by Geoff Teece

Published 28 August 2003
This series includes fact-packed reference books about the main world religions. It covers where the religion is practised, its key beliefs and how these are interpreted in everyday life, the main festivals and what they celebrate, the various different forms and sects within the religion, holy places and scripture.

Religion in Focus: Sikhism

by Geoff Teece

Published 23 October 2003
Religion in Focus is a series of fact-packed reference books about the main world religions. The books will provide as much factual information as possible, and will use tables, diagrams, maps and photographs, as well as text, to make that information easily accessible. Each title will cover such topics...Read more

Religion in Focus: Buddhism

by Geoff Teece

Published 24 July 2003
Religion in Focus is a series of fact-packed reference books about the main world religions. The books will provide as much factual information as possible, and will use tables, diagrams, maps and photographs, as well as text, to make that information easily accessible. Each title will cover such topics...Read more


by Geoff Teece

Published 28 August 2003
Religion in Focus is a series of fact-packed reference books about the main world religions. The books will provide as much factual information as possible, and will use tables, diagrams, maps and photographs, as well as text, to make that information easily accessible. Each title will cover such topics...Read more


by Geoff Teece

Published 24 July 2003
Religion in Focus is a series of fact-packed reference books about the main world religions. The books will provide as much factual information as possible, and will use tables, diagrams, maps and photographs, as well as text, to make that information easily accessible. Each title will cover such topics...Read more


by Geoff Teece

Published 31 August 2004


by Geoff Teece

Published 31 January 2005
Discusses the religion of Sikhism, which originated with the teachings of Guru Nanak in fifteenth-century India.


by Geoff Teece

Published 8 January 2004


by Geoff Teece

Published 8 January 2004


by Geoff Teece

Published 8 January 2004