Animal Attraction

by Jamie Ponti

Published 26 July 2005
The Season of (No?) Love

Jane's life is one giant Conspiracy, with the whole world plotting to keep any chance of romance far, far away. Her social history (17 years, 0 boyfriends) is proof positive of that. But this summer, she's determined to crank it up.
Jane's snagged a gig at the local theme park as part of the star attraction -- the Mermaid Show. But then the Conspiracy strikes, and she ends up starstruck in a furry beaver costume all day long. Hard to breathe, let alone flirt....Can Jane figure a way out of the beaver suit and into the arms of her summer love?

Sea of Love

by Jamie Ponti

Published 1 December 2008
When it comes to love, sometimes it's sink or swim. As if it's not bad enough that Darby had to leave NYC and her BF to move to Florida, where her family's started running a hotel, now she has to help with the hotel's annual Valentine's Day Cupid's Ball. Things start looking up when local beach hottie Zach takes Darby surfing and shows her around. Beach life actually starts to grow on this fish out of water. Then -- surprise! A week before the ball, Darby's NYC ex decides to pay her a visit. Darby's knee-deep in guilt because she realizes she's fallen for Zach! This Valentine's Day, is Darby ready to dive into a new relationship with the guy who's captured her heart?