
by Sean Connolly

Published 26 August 2004
War: War is a man-made disaster. The book examines the various types of conflict, how they affect people and how the homeless and refugees need particular help, especially as they are often still living in the front line. It includes a close look at UN and other peacekeeping forces as well as the international agencies that work to provide aid to those who desperately need it.


by Sean Connolly

Published 9 September 2004
Most of us have been unsettled by a loud thunderstorm but, for some, the sheer violence of the storms they endure can ruin lives and communities. This title shows the high-risk areas around the world and gives harrowing, and sometimes uplifting, accounts of how ordinary people cope with storms and their aftermath.


by Sean Connolly

Published 26 August 2004
Earthquake:One of the most sudden and powerful of all natural disasters, an earthquake can change a region's way of life in an instant. This book gives a clear idea of how and where earthquakes develop, and how people are affected, from the first tremor all the way through to the post-quake period. It also shows how the world community can and does respond in the face of such emergencies.

Famine and Drought

by Sean Connolly

Published 23 September 2004
Famine and drought - These devastating crises have affected some parts of the world for many years. The title explores the reasons why they develop, pointing out how human action, and sometimes failure to act, is often to blame. First-hand accounts from affected people, aid workers and emergency field teams help build a complete picture.


by Sean Connolly

Published 9 September 2004
For many people around the world floods pose a deadly threat. This title examines the different types of flood and looks at their effects on people and communities. It shows how aid can be provided and how people can prepare for, or even prevent, the damage caused by floods.


by Sean Connolly

Published 1 August 2004


by Sean Connolly

Published 1 August 2004
Describes the causes and effects of floods throughout the world, how relief agencies help, and what can be done to predict and prevent future floods. Although disasters-both natural and man-made-are frequently in the news, it is sometimes difficult to understand how people and communities manage when disaster strikes. How do food and medical supplies get through when roads and railways are destroyed by earthquakes or floods? Where can people find shelter when their homes are devastated by storms or war? How can communities survive when food crops continually fail? With vivid first-hand accounts and shocking photographs, Floods puts the reader in the center of the crisis by explaining what happens when a destructive flood occurs and how it affects the lives of ordinary people. It also explains how governments, aid agencies, and individuals from around the world can provide help in this time of need.


by Sean Connolly

Published 1 August 2004


by Sean Connolly

Published 1 August 2004


by Sean Connolly

Published 23 September 2004