Book 1

Welcome, Emissary.
As Benjamin Sisko picked his way over the wreckage that was his new command, a thousand questions, countless problems, dire reports, and the soon-to-be-familiar harangue of the Bajoran Liaison Officer clamored for his attention. From the shadows, a monk stepped out and greeted him. With all that had happened, it is no small wonder that Sisko took that greeting and relegated it to the back of his mind.
Six years have passed. Despite the recent retaking of Deep Space 9™, it seems that the Federation is losing the Dominion war. As commander of a front-line post, Sisko focuses on the war effort, paying little attention to the latest rumor. "The fabled lost Orbs of the Prophets have been recovered. Legend holds that these orbs are the key to unlocking a second wormhole -- a second Celestial Temple." In war, sometimes the little things you don't notice are your undoing.
Now Benjamin Sisko, a man of science and a Starfleet officer -- and also the Emissary -- is swept up in the ultimate war of good versus evil. Every decision he makes draws him, his family, and his crew into the abyss. Faced with the possibility that he alone must decide the fate of life in the galaxy, Captain Sisko must unlock the truth behind the fabled Orbs of the Prophets or the future, the past, and even the present will wink out of existence!

In the midst of the Dominion War, the stage is set for a final apocalyptic confrontation between the Prophets and the Pah-Wraiths: immeasurably powerful alien entities that exist outside of linear time. Bajor is in falmes. The corridors of Terok Nor echo with the sound of battle. It is the end of the Cardassian Occupation -- and the beginning of the greatest epic adventure in the annals of Deep Space Nine. Six years later a secret which has remained hidden since the Cardassian withdrawal is revealed for the first time and Captain Benjamin Sisko must face the most dangerous challenge of his career: unless he can gain the secret of the fabled lost Orb of the Prophets, what began with the fall of Terok Nor will end with the destruction of Deep Space Nine -- or worse. Plunged into a nightmare in which the Pah-wraiths have triumphed and linear time no longer exists, Sisko and his crew have one slim chance to avert a cosmic disaster. They must return to Deep Space Nine -- but when? On the day of the Cardassian withdrawal from Terok Nor, or on the day, six years later, when Deep Space Nine was destroyed?
Which choice will lead to the triumph of the Prophets, and which to eternal victory for the Pah-wraiths? For Sisko to change the past and restore the present, he must be prepared to make the final sacrifice: his future...The three volumes which make up the Millennium Omnibus are Book One: The Fall of Terok Nor, Book Two: War of the Prophets and Book Three: Inferno.

Welcome, Emissary.
As Benjamin Sisko picked his way over the wreckage that was his new command, a thousand questions, countless problems, dire reports, and the soon-to-be-familiar harangue of the Bajoran Liaison Officer clamored for his attention. From the shadows, a monk stepped out and greeted him. With all that had happened, it is no small wonder that Sisko took that greeting and relegated it to the back of his mind.
Six years have passed. Despite the recent retaking of Deep Space 9™, it seems that the Federation is losing the Dominion war. As commander of a front-line post, Sisko focuses on the war effort, paying little attention to the latest rumor. "The fabled lost Orbs of the Prophets have been recovered. Legend holds that these orbs are the key to unlocking a second wormhole -- a second Celestial Temple." In war, sometimes the little things you don't notice are your undoing.
Now Benjamin Sisko, a man of science and a Starfleet officer -- and also the Emissary -- is swept up in the ultimate war of good versus evil. Every decision he makes draws him, his family, and his crew into the abyss. Faced with the possibility that he alone must decide the fate of life in the galaxy, Captain Sisko must unlock the truth behind the fabled Orbs of the Prophets or the future, the past, and even the present will wink out of existence!