Book 11

An introduction to the issues surrounding inculturation, with particular reference to the Eucharist in the African context. Discussion is held of a variety of denominations and the text of the Eucharistic prayer for the new Kenyan service is included.

Book 27

A study of Extended Communion, Sunday Worship in the Absent of a Priest, and similar services. This looks at the development of the services and their use in a variety of churches. Texts are also provided from some of the authorised services.

Book 56

This Liturgical Study is dedicated to the memory of Michael Vasey, liturgy tutor at St John's College, Durham (1975-1998), and a member of the Church of England's Liturgical Commission (1985-1998), who died in June 1998. It reproduces the text which he originally drafted for the Commission in the early 1990s, as amended both by the Commission and by the House of Bishops, on which discussion was effectively suspended in 1995. At that stage the Commission propsed to further the discussion on penitence and reconciliation in the church by publishing its proposed text together with some background essays, but the project, which Michael was to have edited, was halted by his untimely death.