Book 670

This handbook for grammatical forms in Syriac provides students and scholars with a quick reference for the various forms of nouns, pronouns, and verbs, and also offers a simple way to learn Syriac grammatical terminology.

Book 672

This catechism in the Aramaic dialect of Urmia, originally published at the Lazarist Press there, provides questions and answers regarding the Catholic faith in that language.

Book 673

This is the second printing of a Catholic catechism in the Aramaic dialect of Mosul, originally published at the Dominican Press there.

Book 677

This manual, in Arabic and originally published at the Dominican Press in Mosul, contains the complete cycle of praying the Rosary, together with a guide for hearing the Mass.

Book 678

This volume in Arabic, originally printed at the Dominican Press in Mosul, contains chapters on the origin of Rosary devotion, its benefits, some questions and answers on the Rosary, and the way to recite the Rosary.

Book 681

This short volume, originally printed at the Dominican Press in Mosul, is an Arabic collection of 173 canons and served as a convenient guide for Catholic priests in Mosul and the surrounding areas.

Book 714

The author outlines religious practices and history of Protestant Churches in Holland. Most attention is paid to the Reformed Church of Holland, but other Churches are discussed. The influence of politics and important figureheads is described.

Book 715

The author reviews a volume on ethics, concluding it to be insufficient. Any logical system of ethics and morals must derive from the Bible. The author criticizes the volume's author for his sympathetic treatment of David Hume.

Book 778

The author advocates spiritual revivals. He describes the proper revival and says why America in particular stands to benefit from more revivals. He also warns of the negative consequences if there are too few revivals.

Book 779

This article introduces and reprints a letter relating the extraordinary conversion of a large number of sinners in Cambuslang, Scotland. Following are a series of attestations to the truth of the account by various Scottish ministers.

Book 780

The article comments on and reprints passages from a commencement speech for the Alumni Association of Nassau Hall. In the address, John Sergeant discusses why not many students are inadequately prepared for college work.

Book 781

The author describes the Chaldee Targums, recommending them to readers such that they can use the Targums to convert Jews who use them as evidence for their own religion. The author also analyses several Targums.

Book 782

The article reviews two sermons on the freedom of sinners to obey God. The author declares that man can obey so long as he is able, stating the reverend's point is obvious and flawed.

Book 783

The article reviews a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. The reviewer examines the conclusions reached by the author as well as the method used to come to those conclusions. He approves of the author's unique philosophical approach.

Book 784

The article is a response to an unprinted letter concerning involuntary body movement during moments of religious frenzy. The editor relates personal experience from 1800 to 1803 and ultimately discourages this behavior.

Book 785

The review reviews the life of Rev. Rowland Hill based on his published biography. Included is the minutia of his preaching career. Though a review, the article comments little on the text, more or less paraphrasing it.

Book 786

The article is a letter concerning the treatment of Dissenters in England. The writer objects to the nationalized Episcopacy for various injustices upon Dissenters. He asks for separation of church and state.

Book 787

The article presents the life of the late Rezeau Brown, a young man with religious aspirations and a poor constitution. The memoir relates the details of his studies and his dedication to missionary work.

Book 788

This article reviews a memoir of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island. The reviewer presents Williams’ biography, the founding of Providence and the creation of Rhode Island. Much attention is paid to the politics of its founding.

Book 789

The author provides the biography of Cornelius Jansenius and describes his commentary, Augustinus, to explain Jansenius’s position on Grace in relation to Catholic doctrine. He concludes this history convicts the Catholic Church.