Book 1


by Ted Dekker

Published 1 September 2011
New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker teams with Tosca Lee to create this gripping thriller set in a desolate future.

Many years have passed since civilization's brush with apocalypse. The world's greatest threats have all been silenced. There is no anger, no hatred, no war. There is only perfect peace... and fear. But a terrible secret has been closely guarded for centuries: Every single soul walking the earth, though in appearance totally normal, is actually dead, long ago genetically stripped of true humanity.

Fleeing pursuit, with only moments to live, a young man named Rom stumbles into possession of a vial of blood and a piece of cryptic writing. When consumed, the blood will bring him back to life. When decoded, the message will lead him on a perilous journey that will require him to abandon everything he has ever known and awaken humanity to the transforming power of true life and love.

But the blood will also resurrect hatred, ambition, and greed.

Set in a terrifying, medieval future, where grim pageantry masks death, this tale of dark desires and staggering stakes peels back the layers of the heart for all who dare to take the ride.

Book 2


by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee

Published 1 January 2012

Han pasado siglos desde el enfrentamiento de la civilización a la destrucción total. Las peores amenazas han cesado. No hay enojo, ni odio, ni guerra. Solo hay una paz perfecta… y temor. Un terrible secreto ha sido guardado celosamente durante siglos: cada una de las almas que camina sobre la tierra, aunque aparenta ser totalmente normal, en realidad está muerta, desde hace mucho tiempo, genéticamente despojada de la humanidad verdadera.

Han transcurrido nueve años desde que un héroe impensable, Rom Sebastian, descubrió el secreto y consumió una antigua poción de sangre para volver a la vida en Prohibido. Sobreviviendo contra pronósticos inconcebibles, Rom ha reunido un grupo secreto de seguidores que han bebido la sangre también –los primeros Mortales en un mundo sin vida–.

Pero The Order ha reclutado a un selecto ejército para cazar y doblegar a los vivos. Traiciones y separación amenazan con destruir a los Mortales desde el interior. La última esperanza de supervivencia que le queda a la humanidad está al borde de la aniquilación y nadie conoce el camino para sobrevivir.

Siguiendo los pasos de Prohibido , aparece MORTAL, la segunda novela de la saga The Books of Mortals, de los escritores Ted Dekker y Tosca Lee. Ambientada en un aterrador futuro medieval, donde una magnificencia lúgubre enmascara la muerte, esta historia de deseos oscuros y asombrosas apuestas pone al descubierto el corazón de todo el que se atreve a hacer este viaje.

The Books of Mortals son tres novelas, cada una independiente, y a la vez perfectamente entrelazadas en una sola novela de suspenso épico.

Book 3


by Ted Dekker

Published 1 January 2013
Nine years after Rom Sebastian was thrust into the most unlikely of circumstances as hero and bearer of an unimaginable secret, the alliance of his followers is in disarray. An epic battle with The Order has left them scattered and deeply divided both in strategy and resolve in their struggle to become truly alive and free.

Only 49 truly alive followers remain loyal to Rom. This meager band must fight for survival as The Order is focused on their total annihilation. Misunderstood and despised, their journey will be one of desperation against a new, more intensely evil Order. As the hand of this evil is raised to strike and destroy them they must rely on their faith in the abiding power of love to overcome all and lead them to sovereignty.

SOVEREIGN wonderfully continues the new testament allegory that was introduced in FORBIDDEN and continued in MORTAL.