This book is part of a series which attempts to present the history of county cricket clubs in an entertaining fashion. The text is supplemented by scorecards of the club's greatest matches and has a full statistical section. The four counties already covered are Glamorgan, Hampshire, Kent and Middlesex.

A history of Hampshire county cricket club, including a look at some of its most famous players such as Alec Bowell, Philip Mead, Jack Newman, Alec Kennedy, George Brown, Walter Livsey and the Honourable Lionel Tennyson. The work includes a personal view of the club written by John Arlott, based on first-hand observation since 1935, who gives his own impressions of the club and its players. Statistical tables are included.

One of a series which presents the full history of cricket clubs enhanced by scorecards of the club's greatest matches, a full statistical section, boxed biographical features and photographs, this is the history of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club. Notts began at the top. For a quarter of a century from 1864 they dominated the Championship with early cricketing giants like George Parr, Richard Daft and Arthur Shrewsbury. However, Notts ran into financial problems and were in the forefront of controversy with the players, strike of 1881 and the great "bodyline" row in the 1930s. The club struggled through the period from 1950 to 1980 but their fortunes changed with the arrival of players like Hadlee, Rice and Randall.