Swan Song

by John Galsworthy

Published May 1967
Books for All Kinds of Readers. Read HowYouWant offers the widest selection of on-demand, accessible format editions on the market today. Our 7 different sizes of EasyRead are optimized by increasing the font size and spacing between the words and the letters. We partner with leading publishers around the globe. Our goal is to have accessible editions simultaneously released with publishers' new books so that all readers can have access to the books they want to read.

The White Monkey

by John Galsworthy

Published May 1967
White Monkey

The Silver Spoon

by John Galsworthy

Published May 1967
Books for All Kinds of Readers. Read HowYouWant offers the widest selection of on-demand, accessible format editions on the market today. Our 7 different sizes of EasyRead are optimized by increasing the font size and spacing between the words and the letters. We partner with leading publishers around the globe. Our goal is to have accessible editions simultaneously released with publishers' new books so that all readers can have access to the books they want to read.

Maid in Waiting

by John Galsworthy

Published February 1968
Books for All Kinds of Readers ReadHowYouWant offers the widest selection of on-demand, accessible format editions on the market today. Each edition has been optimized for maximum readability, using our patent-pending conversion technology. We are partnering with leading publishers around the globe to create accessible editions of their titles. Our goal is to have accessible editions simultaneously released with publishers' new books so that all readers can have access to the books they want to readtoday.

Flowering Wilderness

by John Galsworthy

Published 1 January 1999
Books for All Kinds of Readers ReadHowYouWant offers the widest selection of on-demand, accessible format editions on the market today. Each edition has been optimized for maximum readability, using our patent-pending conversion technology. We are partnering with leading publishers around the globe to create accessible editions of their titles. Our goal is to have accessible editions simultaneously released with publishers' new books so that all readers can have access to the books they want to readtoday.

One More River

by John Galsworthy

Published 1 January 1999

Book 1

The Man of Property

by John Galsworthy

Published December 1958

Book 1

Book 1

London of the 1880s: The Forsyte family is gathered - gloves, waistcoats, feathers and frocks - to celebrate the engagement of young June Forstye to an architect, Philip Bosinney. The family are intrigued but wary of this stranger in their midst, who they nickname 'the Buccaneer'. Amongst those present are Soames Forsyte and his beautiful wife Irene - his most prized possession. With that meeting a chain of heartbreaking and tragic events is set in motion that will split the family to the very core...

Book 2

In Chancery

by John Galsworthy

Published January 1990

Book 2

Separated from his wife Irene for some years now, Soames Forsyte has resigned himself to the fact she's never coming back. But as he grows older and richer, he yearns for an heir. When he confronts Irene, the raw wounds of his past passion are exposed and he will do anything to claim back what is his. Then his cousin Jolyon Forsyte moves in to protect and champion Irene and the old rift in the family splinters into new jealousy, hatred and fear. But this time it runs too deeply for forgiveness...

Book 2

Book 3

To Let

by John Galsworthy

Published 1 January 1998

Book 3

The Forsyte Saga 3: To Let

by John Galsworthy

Published 6 September 2007

Soames Forsyte has built a good life for himself with his second wife Annette. And he has a new focus and purpose; his beautiful, beloved daughter Fleur. But the sins of the father come flooding back to cast a shadow over his child's future.

When Fleur, a vibrant and impetuous young woman, catches the eye of warm-hearted and idealistic Jon Forsyte at a chance meeting, it seems fate is determined to torture them all with the hurts of the past . . .

Book 4

It's 1922 and Fleur Forsyte is now married to Michael Mont. Fleur throws herself into the roaring 20s with the rest of London, taking life as it comes. But the marriage is haunted by the ghost of a past love affair, and however vibrant Fleur appears, those closest to her sense her unhappiness. Michael, devoted to Fleur but not blind to her faults, is determined to stand by her through anything. He also finds himself caught up in the tragic and poignant story of a young couple struggling for survival in an age of unemployment and extreme poverty.

Book 5

Living in their elegant, fashionable house in Westminster, Fleur and Michael Mont mix with and entertain the glittering society characters of the day. As always, Soames Forsyte is constantly by the side of his daughter Fleur, spoiling and watching over her. But London after the war is a place of carefree, 'live for today' attitudes which are alarming and baffling to old Soames. And just when he thinks he's protecting his daughter, he finds himself triggering a major society scandal...

Book 8

Dinny Cherrell has been proposed to numerous times. But no one has ever come close to touching her independent spirit. That is, until she encounters Wilfred Desert. They had first met at Fleur and Michael Mont's wedding and the spark of attraction felt all those years before develops into a deep, all-consuming love. But Wilfred, made cynical by the war and a wanderer, is a complicated and tortured soul. When his past actions come back to haunt him, and the disapproval of Dinny's family work against them, their love is tested to the very limit...

Book 9

Clare Cherrell has come home, fleeing the clutches of her violent, abusive husband. When he pursues her she vows she will never return and sets about fighting him in bitter divorce proceedings. Dinny supports her sister all the way, but she has her own heartache to conquer, a grief which threatens to embitter her life for ever. Will the sisters make it safely over the river, or is the stream of painful memories destined to engulf their future?

The Forsyte Saga

by John Galsworthy

Published 1 January 1900
The three novels which make up The Forsyte Saga chronicle the ebbing social power of the commercial upper-middle class Forsyte family between 1886 and 1920. Soames Forsyte is the brilliantly portrayed central figure, a Victorian who outlives the age, and whose baffled passion for his beautiful but unresponsive wife Irene reverberates throughout the saga. Written with both compassion and ironic detachment, Galsworthy's narrative examines not only the family's fortunes but also the wider developments within society, particularly the changing position of women in an intensely competitive male world. Above all, Galsworthy is concerned with the conflict at the heart of English culture between the soulless materialism of wealth and property and the humane instincts of love, beauty, and art.