The war is coming to a close, with huge advances by the Allies. Joseph Reavley's regiment has suffered huge losses but all are living in hope that peace will soon be upon them, when a further, brutal tragedy strikes the front. Sarah Price, a young nurse, is savagely raped...Read more

Shoulder the Sky

by Anne Perry

Published 18 October 2004
It is April 1915 and the world is the bloody throws of a war the soldiers had once hoped would be over by last Christmas. Now, in the rat-infested trenches on the Western Front at Ypres, nobody knows when the horror will end - and nine-tenths of the British...Read more

In the last idyllic summer of 1914, the battle lines are already drawn. In Cambridge, the golden June days seem timeless. But for Joseph Reavley the summer is shattered by his parents' deaths in a car accident. Bringing the terrible news, his brother reveals that their father, a retired...Read more

It's July 1917, and as the sun sets over No-man's-land so Joseph Reavley's heart sinks with it. As chaplain he must keep up the men's morale, but as rumours of mutiny grow stronger he is losing any chance of getting through to them. After the death of an officer,...Read more

It's March 1916, and Joseph Reavley is on sick leave and finding recovery slow and hard. His sister Hannah is caring for him at home, and it's a delight to them both when Shanley Corcoran, an old friend, comes to visit. Corcoran confides in Joseph that he's come very...Read more