Like Being Killed

by Ellen Miller

Published 16 April 1998
Profoundly hypnotic and deeply disturbing: 'I could never predict what was going to ruin me and what was going to rescue me.' says Ilyana Meyerovitch, a self-confessed suicidal, strung-out Jew. Into her life, and her flat, walks her opposite - Susie Lyons - blonde, artistic, optimistic and above all, innocent. LIKE BEING KILLED is about the devastating effects the two women have on each other as they start to share more than a flat. Simultaneously drawn to Susie's wholesome values and repelled, Ilyana's desire for what Susie has will take her into the grip of a downward spiral whose only outcome is oblivion. LIKE BEING KILLED is the 90s brat-pack gone wrong. A novel of drugs, dependency and the myth of sisterhood, it takes the trust implicit in flat-sharing to its ultimate conclusion.....