Increasingly used in assessing at senior management level and in the Civil Service generally, critical reasoning is a skill that can be honed and developed with practice, so this is a crucial addition to the Succeed at Psychometric Testing series. Anyone wanting to enhance their confidence and skills and to gain practice in critical reasoning assessment tests should find this book invaluable.

Critical reasoning is seen as a crunch skill in management and is viewed as important across all sectors of the labour market. If anything Critical Reasoning Testing is over-used, so the market should be extensive. When even British Rail insist on using them for their train drivers there will be lots of applicants and employees out there daunted at the prospect of these tests and looking for guidance.

Critical Reasoning is a readily remediable skill, so the book will have great potential with the large number of people now faced with these tests. This book will not only discuss the theory of tests such as the Watson-Glaser test bui will provide lots of examples and practice tests.

More than a simple tool for career development this book will also interest any reader who simply wants to develop their critical reasoning abilities for day to day living.

As more people than ever are going on to university or higher education, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate their candidates - thus the use of psychometric tests for recruitment, training and promotion is increasing every year. For the candidate, these tests can be extremely daunting, especially because many will not have been tested in their maths or verbal reasoning skills in this way since A Level or even GCSE. This new series aims to provide candidates with realistic preparation for these tests so that they can gain confidence and perform to the best of their abilities.

Digrammatic Reasoning is one of the least understood areas of testing and is increasingly being used at relatively senior levels, especially in the Public Sector.