Book 1

The Founding

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published April 1980

"Brilliant, a definite page turner. They combine real historical events with fascinating fictional characters.

The twenty-three volumes of the Morland Dynasty series has been completely repackaged in the most elegant style, using contemporaneous artwork for each period.

This wonderful series opens with the back drop of the Wars of the...

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Book 3

The Princeling

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published August 1981

1558: Elizabeth I is on the throne, though still challenged by Mary, and her Protestant faith threatens the Catholic Morland family.

The reign of Elizabeth I means that the Morlands must seek new spheres of influence to restore their fortunes. John, heir to Morland Place, rides north to wed the...

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Book 10

Book 12

Dynasty 12:Victory

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 1 January 1989

Book 14

The Campaigners

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 24 January 1991

1815: Napoleon's escape from Elba and the preparations for battle entangle the Morland family in a web of romance and heartbreak.

The Allied Army is gathering in Flanders, and where the army is, the fashionable world must go- so London society hastens to Brussels to enjoy the most exhilarating Season...

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Book 25

The Question

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 7 November 2002
In the last years of the nineteenth century the Morlands' fortunes are changing for the better, as Henrietta and Jerome find a true home at Morland Place, and Teddy ploughs his profits into restoring it to its former glory. But the reverses and cruelties of the Boer War and...Read more

Book 26

The Dream Kingdom

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 11 January 2003

Edwardian England is a country at the peak of its power; a kingdom of peace, prosperity and progress. As Jessie and Violet enjoy their coming-out in the glittering Season of 1908, their thoughts are of pleasure, dancing and falling in love.

For the Morlands things seem set fair: new business...

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Book 30

The Golden Wind

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 1 November 2007
The first euphoria of the war has worn off, but the nation is more determined than ever to win. Jessie, already involved in various charity works, feels the need to do more and heads to London to be a nurse. But life on the wards is harder than she...Read more

v. 15

The Reckoning

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 23 January 1992

1816: Napoleon has at last been defeateed, but victory brings no peace to the English.

The cost of war strikes deep into the country- there is a raging inflation, discharged soldiers join the ranks of the unemployed, wages tumble and the bread price soars- and hungry men are easily stirred...

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The Fallen Kings

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 5 November 2009

1918: German troops flood back from the Eastern Front for an all-out assault in France, before the Americans can join the war. The under-strength British retreat, and for the first time the real possibility of defeat comes home to a shocked nation.

At the front, Bertie struggles to bring...

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In 1851 the fortunes of the Morland family are more buoyant than they have been for years. Morland Place is recovering under Benjamin's steady hands - happy at last with Sibella. Charlotte, now Duchess of Southport, is shortly to give birth to hersecond child and on the point of...

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The Black Pearl

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 4 October 1982

1659: Cromwell's protectorate is drawing to a close, and the restoration of the monarchy can only improve the fortunes of the Morland family.

The years of civil war and their aftermath have left Morland Place in dire straits, but with the return of the King, Ralph Morland believes he can...

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The Mirage

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 1 July 1999
George Morland, newly master of Morland Place, embarks on a grand improvement and expansion of the estate. His sister Henrietta, eager to be both good and useful, marries the scholarly rector, Mr Fortescue. And in London, their cousin Lady Venetia Fleetwood, moved by the medical horrors of the Franco-Prussian...Read more

The Hidden Shore

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 6 June 1996

When Charlotte Meldon's father dies, she believes herself to be destitute, but a lawyer's letter reveals that she is not only part of the great Morland family, but wealthy and a countess in her own right. She is expected to make a great marriage, and with her vivacious cousin...

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The Cause

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 2 November 2000

The forthcoming marriage of Venetia, eldest daughter of the Duke of Southport, and 'Beauty' Winchmore is the talk of London society, and a match which has the full support of Venetia's parents. But just weeks before the wedding Venetia cries off - unable to accept that her husband-to-be will...

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The Oak Apple

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 31 December 1981

1630: after long years of peace the reign of Charles I brings brutal civil war to England.

The clash between King and Parliament is echoed at Morland Place when Richard brings home a Puritan bride while his brother, Kit, joins Prince Rupert and the Royalist cavalry, leaving their father Edmund...

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The Homecoming

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 1 November 2001

Freed from her miserable marriage by widowhood, Henrietta is at last able to marry her beloved Jerome Compton, but his divorced state means that they have to make their home away from Yorkshire. Settling in London Henrietta finds she takes to urban life with great enjoyment, as does her...

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The Chevalier

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 17 May 1984

1689: the Resoration enabled the Morland family to restore their own fortune, but now the Jacobite rebellion brings another threat to their security.

Annuciata Morland, fiercely loyal to the Stuart cause, follows her beloved king, James II, into exile. She leaves her gentle grandson, Matt, to oversee Morland Place in...

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The Winding Road

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 3 November 2011
1925. England is prosperous; the nation has put the war behind it, and hope is in the air. The Jazz Age is in full swing in New York, where Polly Morland is the most feted beauty of the day. But a proposal of marriage from the powerful, enigmatic Ren...Read more

The Long Shadow

by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Published 14 July 1983

1670: King Charles II's reign has brought peace and prosperity to the Morland family, but James II's ascent to the throne will shatter their restored fortunes.

In Yorkshire, Morland Place has flourished during the Restoration, and in London the beautiful and sprited Annunciata, is now Countess of Chelmsford, a wealthy...

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