Book 4

Star Wars

by George Lucas

Published 12 May 1977

The phenomenal success of George Lucas's first Star Wars trilogy quite simply revolutionized the cinema; but what sets Lucas's films apart from their legion of imitators is the quality of their screenplays. Lucas originally intended this trilogy to be a single film, but the epic scope of the story...

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Book 4

A New Hope

by George Lucas

Published 12 September 1986
The classic adventure that started it all

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . .

Luke Skywalker lived and worked on his uncle's farm on the remote planet of Tatooine—and he was bored beyond belief. He yearned for adventures out among...Read more

Star Wars Omnibus

by George Lucas

Published 4 April 1996
Collecting the first 26 issues of the Marvel Comics Star Wars series that launched in 1977 (the same year as the first film), this first volume of Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time a must have for any Star Wars fan!

The Official 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .

Luke Skywalker was a twenty-year-old who lived and worked on his uncle's farm on the remote planet of Tatooine...and he was bored beyond belief. He yearned for adventures that would take him...

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The Return of the Jedi

by George Lucas

Published 16 August 1996
The most popular series of movies in the history of cinema, the Star Wars trilogy altered forever our notion of what the movies could do.

Return of the Jedi is the trilogy's concluding section. With its myriad peculiar creatures, it seems, at first, to be a lighter film...Read more

The further adventures of Luke Skywalker and his friends in their continuing battle against Darth Vader and the evil side of the Force.

"Star Wars Episode One"

by George Lucas

Published 25 June 1999

The Original Radio Drama

by George Lucas

Published 25 November 1993