Discusses the life of Christopher Columbus, with an emphasis on his career as an explorer.

Henry Hudson

by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn

Published 16 January 2003
Discusses the life of Henry Hudson, the English sea captain who explored the Arctic Ocean and the river and bay later named for him while in search of a northern route to the Indies.

La Salle

by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn

Published 16 January 2004

Lewis and Clark

by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn

Published 16 January 2003
Discusses Lewis and Clark's journey of discovery to the Pacific Ocean.

Hernan Cortes

by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn

Published 16 January 2003

Ponce de Leon

by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn

Published 16 January 2003
A biography of the Spanish explorer who first came to the New World with Columbus, went on to become governor of Puerto Rico, and later came to Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth.

Discusses the life of Vasco Núñez de Balboa, with an emphasis on his explorations and his crossing of the Isthmus of Panama.