Is It Light or Dark?

by Mari Schuh

Published 1 August 2019
Flick the switch, and you have light. Go outside during the day, and you see sunlight. Read to find out how living things use light. Also learn how light travels and what happens when it is dark.

Light is all around us. It brightens our day and helps us learn and play. But where does light come from and where does it go at night? How does light make shadows and create colours? This series provides answers to these questions about light and more.

Why Is Light Important?

by Mari Schuh

Published 1 August 2019
People use light. Animals use light. Plants use light too! Read to find out why light is important to living things and how light is used.

Have you ever seen your own shadow on a sunny day? Objects can make shadows too. Read to learn how light makes shadows and reflections.

Where Does Light Come From?

by Mari Schuh

Published 1 August 2019
Light comes from natural sources like the Sun. Light also comes from lightbulbs and candles. Read to learn about different sources of light.