To enter the Armed Forces any candidate will have to successfully negotiate the appropriate selection process. At entry level most applicants will have had little experience of psychometric testing and written tests and exercises of this nature are often a stumbling blockfor even the best candidate but they are certainly something that an applicant can prepare for and improve performance. For the tens of thousands of potential recruits to the British Armed Forces at soldier, rating or aircraftman/woman level each year this book will prove invaluable in giving guidance, and more importantly, practice in the aptitude tests required to enter the service of their choice. In addition the extended practice available in this book will raise a candidate's confidence level overall and help to improve general performance at interview

Are you applying to or considering joining a police force in England or Wales? If so, you will have to take part in the National Police Selection Process.

With hundreds of practice questions and examples of competency based writing, role play exercises and interview questions Succeed at Psychometric Testing: Practice Tests for the National Police Selection Process will maximize your chances of success in your application to join the police force. It can also be useful if you are applying to other services which include a similar style of testing as part of their selection process.
Written in a clear and accessible style the book contains:

- Tips and advice on pre-test preparation

- Practice questions, cross-referenced to answers and comprehensive explanations

- Timed tests for Numerical Reasoning and Verbal Logical Reasoning
- Ideas for preparation and practice for all competency based tests

- Guidance on what to do on the day of the test

- Further reading and websites

Are you about to attend an interview or assessment centre for a new job, or are you being considered for promotion or training? If that means the daunting prospect of sitting psychometric tests then this book contains plenty of preparation exercises to hone your skills and build your confidence before you face those tests!

This book covers a vital area of psychometric testing, one which is widely used throughout industry and in the public sector. With hundreds of practice questions, Numerical Reasoning Advanced Level shows that numerical reasoning is an easily improvable skill and gives you the opportunity to practice, practice and then practice some more! Improve your skills AND build your confidence before the big day.

Written in a clear and accessible style the book contains:

-Tips and advice on pre-test preparation

-Hundreds of practice questions, cross-referenced to answers and comprehensive explanations

-Guidance on what to do on the day of the test

-Further reading and website

As more people than ever are going on to university or higher education, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate their candidates - thus the use of psychometric tests for recruitment, training and promotion is increasing every year. For the candidate, these tests can be extremely daunting, especially because many will not have been tested in their maths or verbal reasoning skills in this way since A Level or even GCSE. This new series aims to provide candidates with realistic preparation for these tests so that they can gain confidence and perform to the best of their abilities.