Book 1

The Queen and The Tower

by Shannon Page

Published 10 May 2018

Calendula Isadora (Callie to her friends) is a powerful witch with a mind for science...magical science. Her independent ways, not to mention her unseemly affection for her human boyfriend, put her at odds with her San Francisco coven. The last straw comes when she builds and animates a massive golem. Really, such things are simply not done among respectable witchkind. Then a sexy Old Country warlock arrives on the scene, just to complicate things further, as Callie's best friend, Logandina, falls ill with an inexplicable malady. As Callie delves deeper into the swirl of mysteries surrounding her, the witchkind powers-that-be try to keep her in her place. Naturally, she defies them, with help from her mentor, eight-hundred-year-old Gregorio Andromedus, her mother, a "wild magic" witch with a talent for the tarot, and a few new friends. But when illusion, deception, danger and intrigue are the common currency, how can any witch know who to trust or where to turn? Can Callie rely on anyone besides herself-and her familiar, Elnor?

Book 2

A Sword in the Sun

by Shannon Page

Published 16 February 2021
Calendula Isadora (Callie to her friends) is a powerful witch with a mind for science...magical science. Her independent ways, not to mention her unseemly affection for her human boyfriend, put her at odds with her San Francisco coven. The last straw comes when she builds and animates a massive golem. Really, such things are simply not done among respectable witchkind. Then a sexy Old Country warlock arrives on the scene, just to complicate things further, as Callie's best friend, Logandina, falls ill with an inexplicable malady. As Callie delves deeper into the swirl of mysteries surrounding her, the witchkind powers-that-be try to keep her in her place. Naturally, she defies them, with help from her mentor, eight-hundred-year-old Gregorio Andromedus, her mother, a "wild magic" witch with a talent for the tarot, and a few new friends. But when illusion, deception, danger and intrigue are the common currency, how can any witch know who to trust or where to turn? Can Callie rely on anyone besides herself-and her familiar, Elnor?

The Lovers Three

by Shannon Page

Published 18 October 2022

After a long trip to the Old Country, Callie blissfully awaits the finalization of her marriage contract to a dreamy warlock, the father of her beautiful newborn child. She loves her house, she loves her baby, and she loves her life. What could be better?

Except…something's not right. Having a newborn and adjusting to motherhood is a lot, but her frazzled mind is due to something more sinister than post-pregnancy brain. When Callie starts to remember the dangerous secrets she uncovered in the Old Country, she also remembers the stakes. The future of witchkind depends not only on her recovering her memories from the golem she entrusted them to, but also revealing the plans of one of their leaders. Gregorio Andromedus is a man Callie once trusted, her mentor and teacher, and the father of her betrothed. He's also responsible for the death of her best friend—and his plans for witchkind would mean sacrificing everything Callie cares about.

But to take him down, she might have to risk it all…

The Empress and The Moon

by Shannon Page

Published 9 April 2024
The cat's out of the bag…

Gregorio Andromedus has finally gone too far, and Calendula Isadora - Callie to her friends - has revealed his soul-stealing crimes to witch kind. But with her mother in peril, and her baby daughter exhibiting strange powers, Callie can’t wait around for her elders to bring him to justice. It’s up to her to take down her mentor-turned-nemesis, using a strategy no witch in her community has ever employed before: with the help of her human friends.

With journeys through cat portals and into spiritual planes, this final volume of the Nightcraft Quartet reveals not only the fate of witchkind, but shows Callie who she truly is. Sometimes, even a witch scientist has to trust her gut.

What fate will the cards reveal?