Speech Impairment

by Joyce Libal

Published 3 February 2015
When a young person can't speak easily, sometimes other kids think he's not very intelligent. That's often not the case, though. A person with a speech impairment may be just as bright as anyone else. In this book, you'll read about David, who struggles with stuttering, and Martha, who has difficulty articulating certain sounds. You'll discover how they overcome their challenges—and how they rise above the prejudice they each face.

Protective Services

by Joyce Libal

Published 3 February 2015
Not every child is lucky enough to live in a safe, loving home. Many young people live in difficult, unhealthy, or even dangerous conditions. Luckily, there are systems in place to help kids caught in theses situations. Child protective services are working hard to help children in need. Ryan Delaney is one of these kids. He spends most of his time living in a fantasy world, because that's easier than facing his real life. He lies to his friends about his parents and his home—but eventually, the truth catches up with him, forcing him to get the help he needs. As you read Ryan's story, you will learn about the history of the child protective services and find out about the programs and services offered today.

The Foster Care System

by Joyce Libal

Published 3 February 2015
If your parents were unable to care for you, where would you go? Do you have family or friends who would take you in and support you? Unfortunately, many children don't have this option. The foster care system was put in place to help young people who find themselves without homes. As you follow the story of Bobby and Cara, two children whose family was torn apart, you'll discover more about the foster care system. You'll learn about the history behind the system, from the Orphan Trains in the United States to the British Home Children who were originally sent to Canada—and you'll discover some of the challenges young people in the foster care system face today.