Experience the Civil War's most eerie occurences, spooky events, unsolved mysteries, and myths and legends related and debunked.

Is it possible that the woman who raised Abraham Lincoln was actually his half-sister, and that the man he knew as his grandfather had conducted a scandalous affair with a servant girl? Was Nancy Dude really a murderous witch, or the victim of relentless calamities that would stretch anyone beyond the bounds of sanity? Should Horace Kephart be considered a hero for his work to protect the area of the Great Smokies, where a moutain was named in his honor, or a drunken scoundrel who uprooted families from the homes and farms they'd had for generations? From Sam Houston's childhood among the Cherokee to the mysterious "road to nowhere", Great Smokies Myths and Legends makes history fun and pulls back the curtain on some of this national park's most fascinating and compelling stories.

Experience the Civil War's most eerie occurrences, spooky events, unsolved mysteries, and myths and legends related and debunked. From the legend of the Yankee "human shield" behind Nathan Bedford Forrest's saddle to the unexplained sinking of the Hunley, Civil War Myths and Legends makes history fun and pulls back the curtain on some of the most fascinating and compelling stories of the war that almost tore America apart.