Contributors include Douglas Gale (NYU) on regulation in the information era; David Smith (Federal Reserve Board) on the globalization of commercial banking; John Chant (Simon Fraser) on the internationalization of Canadian banking; Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics) on the economics of regulation; Ken Carow (Indiana University) on the banking-insurance nexus; Edwin Neave and Lewis Johnson (Queen's) on financial governance; and Charles Freedman (Bank of Canada), Tim O'Neill (Bank of Montreal) and Stephen Poloz (Export Development Canada) on the future of the Canadian financial sector.

This second volume in the Bell Canada Papers on Economic and Public Policy focuses on stabilization issues, growth and innovation, and labour markets. The essays explore linkages among macro-stabilization policy, economic growth, innovation activity, and distribution.

This first volume in the Bell Canada Papers on Economic and Public Policy includes essays on productivity and growth, the cost of capital and competitive advantage, globalization and competition policy, worker co-operation and technical change, three visions of competitiveness, agents of change and economic growth, and environmental quality and policy in a global economy.