This title presents practical ideas and lesson plans for getting secondary school pupils and teachers excited about ICT. "Getting the Buggers Excited about ICT" offers a range of practical strategies for building ICT and problem-solving skills across the curriculum. With tips for drawing on pupils' use of ICT in their leisure time for educational purposes, the book also provides tried-and-tested lesson plans to make dry topics more fun and varied, and ideas for getting girls into the subject. With a whole chapter on eSafety, including advice and information about cyberbullying, this book is invaluable for all teachers and subject leaders, not just teachers of ICT. In addition, because it is centred on good practice, it's suitable for use with all ICT qualifications and any software selected by the school. Technology changes fast, so we have put the most time-sensitive material, such as information about hardware, on the regularly updated website. Whether a trainee, new to the profession or experienced and in search of innovative ideas, this book is the essential guide for exciting and inspiring students - and teachers - about ICT in secondary schools.
This innovative series provides teachers with a wealth of practical advice for use in the classroom.