The Essential Commandment

by Greg Ogden

Published 7 October 2011
Is it really possible to live out the Great Commandment?
When an expert in the law asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is, Jesus gave a clear and simple answer:
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...Read more

What am I committing to when I say I want to follow Jesus? Following the format of his bestselling book Discipleship Essentials, Greg Ogden has created this accessible introduction to Christian life for new believers. Whether you are mentoring one-on-one or in a small group, this essential guide will...Read more

Leadership Essentials

by Daniel Meyer and Greg Ogden

Published 29 November 2007
Leadership is essential. Maybe you've shied away from leadership because you don't know what it will involve, or you feel too unsure of your own abilities. But your leadership is needed! In every sector of society, from families to businesses to churches, leadership roles remain empty, waiting for people...Read more

Witness Essentials

by Daniel Meyer

Published 27 February 2012
We know the radical difference the gospel of Jesus Christ makes, and we want others to see and enjoy its benefits. In fact, we don't want them to just pray a prayer and move on to the next interesting thing. We want them to sink their roots deeply into...Read more