Book 133

Earthly and Cosmic Man

by Rudolf Steiner

Published December 1948

Book 146

Book 152

Book 155

Book 163

Chance, necessity, and providence are related to love, loyalty, and grace. Into the central theme of necessity, chance, and providence, Steiner introduces a fascinating description of the nature spirits, particularly the gnomes. He also relates his penetrating insights into the question of the death of children and the significant...Read more

Book 172

The Karma of Vocation

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 15 January 1984

Book 176

Book 204

Book 214

109, 58, 6

From Buddha to Christ

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 1 January 1978

Michael's Mission

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 16 November 2015
'...This will generate a struggle covering the face of the whole earth. The one and only remedy for this nonsense being made of human evolution will be the path that can lead humanity to the spirit - the path of Michael, which finds its continuation in the path of...Read more

Problems of Society

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 16 November 2015
'Whatever turbulent outward events occur in the world, whatever form is taken by things seeking to work their way out of the depths of human evolution, we only really hearken to the true, underlying nature of these events ...if we observe the world from a spiritual perspective.' - Rudolf...Read more

In what has been referred to as 'the most advanced course in anthroposophy', Rudolf Steiner addresses one of the great questions of our time: the role of evil in human development. He speaks of the year 666, when three time streams intersected - the familiar linear stream and two...Read more

The Human Spirit

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 2 December 2015
'To live in truth, to wish to be true in one's whole being, will be the watchword of the future.' - Rudolf Steiner In the midst of the lies and propaganda of the Great War, Rudolf Steiner struggled to convey the truths of the human spirit. The 'truth' asserted...Read more

Mantric Sayings

by Rudolf Steiner

Published 15 September 2015