Book 12

Survival at Sea

by Chris McNab

Published 15 August 2014
Elite soldiers must know how to survive in every environment, including if they're stranded on the harshest ocean. Special Forces units trained to survive at sea are some of the most knowledgeable people in the world when it comes to a survival situation in the ocean. In this book, you will learn some of the techniques these soldiers use to stay alive at sea. You can learn from their training and discover: • what to do when a shark attacks. • how to tell when a storm is coming. • how to swim so that you save energy. • how to signal for help in the middle of the ocean. • how to treat a jellyfish sting. • how to build a raft out of logs or saplings.

Book 12

Book 12

Survival in the Wilderness

by Chris McNab

Published 15 August 2014
Most people find themselves out in the wilderness at some point in their lives, even if they're just heading out for a camping trip. If the worst happens and you're stranded away from civilization, it's important to know how to survive. The elite forces of the world are trained to survive in the most hostile of environments. They can teach you some of the techniques they use and equipment that you'll need. Some of the tips they offer include: • Use swarming insects to tell you where water can be found. • Determine whether a plant is poisonous by the color of its berries. • Move wet stones away from a fire (they can explode). • Don't build a shelter too close to a river (it could flood). • Make signals by cutting out shapes in vegetation.

Book 12

Surviving Captivity

by Chris McNab

Published 15 August 2014

Book 12

When the lives of hostages are on the line, the soldiers of elite hostage-rescue units must act quickly and with skill. In a chaotic situation, soldiers must rely on their training, and each other, to save lives in danger. Take a look at how elite hostage-rescue units operate. Find out about the equipment that elite soldiers use and the training they must undergo. Learn about the different skills elite soldiers use, including: * fast-entry tactics through doors and windows using explosives. * building attacks using assault ladders and mountain-climbing techniques. * rescues from inside an aircraft. * negotiation techniques to calm a situation. * clues that tell when a terrorist is lying.

Book 12

Elite Special Forces units are often assigned to the most difficult missions. They must be prepared for the challenges they will face. This means being skilled and physically fit, but it also means being mentally tough. During most basic-training programs, recruits will be yelled at by instructors, deprived of sleep, and forced to run for miles. Under these difficult conditions, they will be required to make constant decisions. Only the toughest recruits will graduate, and they need certain traits to make it through: • intelligence • self-control • courage • knowledge • resistance to pain and discomfort • team spirit