This report puts the issue of Taiwan's challenges in expanding its international participation in the broader context of the cross-strait relationship and explains the policies of Taipei, Beijing, and Washington. It discusses Taiwan's participation in international governmental and nongovernmental organizations and its progress in signing free trade agreements with other nations and joining the regional economic integration process. The report includes policy recommendations for Taiwan, Mainland China, and the United States to manage this issue in ways that protect and promote the interests of all three parties.

The complicated question of Taiwan's sovereignty has led to its exclusion from virtually all international security organizations. This marginalization has left a critical hole not only in the security of Taiwan's twenty-three million citizens, but also the world at large. Despite possessing both the means and intent to play a role as a responsible stakeholder, Taiwan can neither benefit from most international security bodies nor share its considerable reservoir of knowledge and expertise for the common good. This report highlights challenges to Taiwan's ability to play a more active role in eight areas of international security: counterterrorism, law enforcement, maritime security, nuclear security, transportation security, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, human security, and cybersecurity. The report also offers recommendations for expanding Taiwan's participation in key international security organizations.