Teens & LGBT Issues (Gallup Youth Survey: Major Issues and Tr) (Gallop Major Issues and Trends)
by Hal Marcovitz
Over the past few decades, landmark legal cases, medical discoveries, and movies and television shows have helped increase acceptance of homosexuality in American culture. Young peoples opinions have played an important part in this growing tolerance. Studies show that more than 60 percent of young adults consider homosexuality acceptable. This volume will examine teen attitudes toward homosexuality, issues such as gay marriage and civil unions, and the experiences of gay teens.
Drugs Trade Paperback (Just the Facts)
Based on our popular "Need to Know" series, "Just the Facts" aims to educate teenagers about a wide range of issues without patronizing the reader or simplifying the issue. Each book: has a sophisticated look to appeal to teenagers; covers a wide range of global issues including euthanasia, genocide and globalisation; includes a range of real-life case studies; and provides details of organizations that can offer support and more information.
Marijuana Legal and Developmental Consequences (The Downside of Drugs)
by Joshua Borus
This book is taken from a series which aims to help teenagers make up their own minds on some of the most controversial issues facing people around the world today. The arguments on all sides of each issue are illustrated using quotations taken from a variety of different sources: government statistics, independent experts, public figures and people with personal experience of the subject being treated. The readers are guided through the various arguments by a running narrative that introduces t...
Pathways to Self-discovery and Change
by Kenneth W. Wanberg and Harvey B. Milkman
'Milkman and Wanberg's program rests upon the best that science has to offer. Once this workbook stimulates change, it pays attention to the principles of relapse prevention that will help young people stay changed - and this is the litmus test for any treatment program that targets behavioral problems.' -- Dr. Howard J. Shaffer, Ph.D., C.A.S. , Director &BAD:amp; Associate Professor, Division on Addictions, Harvard Medical School Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 'Pathways to Self-Discovery...
Set in South Africa, MindF**k is a powerful, disturbing, and at times frightening story. Chris Burns, and his friends - Kerbs and Sky Eyes - take to the road, heading for the MindF**k rock festival. Along the way they pick up the gorgeous Partygirl. Burns and Partygirl connect immediately. But on the first night, while the rockmusic blasts from the stage, something unexpected happens - Burns's world gets turned on its head as one of the boys emerges from the tent with blood on his hands. This...
Drug Addiction (Compact Research: Diseases & Disorders)
by Leanne K Currie-McGhee
A Teen's Guide to Living Drug Free (Taste Berries for Teens)
by Bettie B Youngs, Jennifer Youngs, and Tina Moreno
Prescription and over-the-counter medications are the most commonly abused drugs by high school students after marijuana. Street Pharma looks at this growing problem and gives young readers the information they need to say no before they start or find help to quit when they’ve become addicted.
What's the Big Deal About Addictions?: Answers and Help for Teens
by James J Crist
Are Americans Overmedicated? (At Issue (Library)) (At Issue (Paperback))
Drugs (Teen Decisions)
Provides readers with readings on drug abuse in which teens make critical choices.
Drunk Driving (Contemporary issues companion)
by Louise L. Gerdes
Alcohol has both positive and harmful effects on both indivuals and society. This title offers information to help you understand the different effects of alcohol. Its central chapters focus on teenagers and alcohol. Then it looks at the health and social problems that alcohol can cause, and at the treatment and help available for people whose lives are affected.
21st Century Debates: The Drugs Trade (21st Century Debates)
by Louie Fooks
This book looks at the complex web that links people across the world - from the Afghan poppy farmer to the London heroin addict. The drugs trade is now a huge global industry - generating more income than the tourist industry - and this book looks at why this is so and the measures governments have taken to combat it. It presents the facts about the production, distribution and use of illegal drugs and asks how the supply and demand of drugs can be reduced. Throughout, there are debate boxes wh...
Prince and Michael Jackson were among the many thousands of Americans who die each year from drug overdoses in the United States. Learn about the complex triggers that lead to addiction and overdose and the challenges of rehabilitation.
Synthetic Drug Addiction (Compact Research: Addictions)
by William Dudley
Cross-Addiction (The Drug Abuse Prevention Library)
by Marlys Johnson