A to Z of Scientists in Space and Astronomy
by Joseph Angelo and Deborah Todd
Pluto has not been a planet since 2006. But this tiny world still inspires people of all ages while sparking controversy. In this delightfully witty book, astronomer Dean Regas teaches you how to educate your grown-up about the cutting-edge science of space, most crucially the reason why Pluto is NOT a planet any more. Delving into the history of space discoveries, the key players who have helped our understanding of the universe (including the 11-year-old girl who named Pluto in the first place...
A brief history of early aeronautics with a detailed account of the events leading up to the historic flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, N.C., in 1903.
¿Cómo de grande es el universo? ¿Podremos algún día viajar a otras estrellas? ¿Qué es un agujero negro? ¡Descúbrelo con este libro! ¿Alguna vez has levantado la vista al cielo en una noche estrellada y te has dejado llevar por la imaginación? Igual en ese momento te has trasladado a mundos que van más allá de lo que podemos imaginar en la Tierra. Algunos con vida, puede que inteligente, y otros completamente inhóspitos e infernales. O quizá simplemente te has preguntado cuántas estrellas...
Everything about Black Holes Astronomy Books Grade 6 Astronomy & Space Science
by Baby Professor
Planets, Stars & Constellations - Children's Science & Nature
by Baby Professor
Are We There Yet? All about the Planet Saturn! Space for Kids - Children's Aeronautics & Space Book
by Baby Professor
Meet the pioneers of S.T.E.A.M. and discover their fascinating life stories and inspirations with the Masterminds series. Katherine Johnson was a mathematician who played a key role in calculating how to land on the moon. Featured in the 2016 movie "Hidden Figures," Johnson was one of the greatest mathematical minds in U.S. history. Masterminds readers will learn how influential figures in S.T.E.A.M., like Johnson, made massive contributions to their fields and how their stories and discoveries...
Since the dawn of humankind, people have looked upward to the heavens and tried to understand them. This encyclopedia takes you on an expedition through time and space to discover our place in the universe. We invite you to take a journey through the wonders of the universe. Explore the cosmos, from planets to black holes, the Big Bang, and everything in-between! Get ready to discover the story of the universe one page at a time! This educational book for young adults will launch you on a...
¿Hay vida en otros lugares del Sistema Solar? ¿Cuántas civilizaciones pueden existir en la galaxia? ¿Nos conoceremos algún día? Desde pequeños, nos fascinan las estrellas y los planetas. En seguida nos preguntamos si en su superficie podría haber criaturas, como tú y como yo, preguntándose si en otros lugares de la galaxia habrá seres como ellos... La avalancha de preguntas es imparable: el ser humano es curioso por naturaleza. Si alguna vez te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas, este libro...
A stunning gift for admirers of astrophotography. From the number one Astronomy publisher, this book showcases the most spectacular space photography, taken from locations across the globe. Marvel at the wonders of the universe captured by the most talented astrophotographers. Be captivated by 140 winning and shortlisted images from the 2025 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, hosted by the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. These awe-inspiring images are submitted in...
Fascinating Facts: Solar System is an exciting introduction to the planets of our Solar System, with fascinating facts about Earth, the Milky Way and space. Discover how many moons orbit the dwarf planet Pluto, and learn all about the biggest star in our Solar System, the Sun. This colourful and engaging Solar System book offers hours of fun learning and is also a great support for schoolwork, projects and home learning. A perfect balance between important historica...
The Universe (Explorer's Guide to the Universe (eBook))
by Educational Publishing Britannica Educational Publishing