Should the Federal Government Bail Out Private Industry? (At Issue (Library)) (At Issue (Paperback))
Corporate Social Responsibility (Opposing Viewpoints (Hardcover)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback))
The American Housing Crisis (At Issue (Paperback)) (At Issue (Hardcover))
Fossil Fuel Industries and the Green Economy (Current Controversies)
Money-Making Opportunities for Teens Who Are Artistic (Make Money Now! (Rosen))
by Gina Hagler
This down to earth book contains straightforward practical information about money in the everyday world. A matter-of-fact guide to commonly used banking and financial terms with clear concise definitions, plain explanations and sensible advice about potential risks. Pictures, diagrams or symbols on every page make this easily accessible, not too heavy and compliment the simple style. Money - Bare Basic Facts is: Visually eye catching; Succinct with explanations and examples;. A concise referenc...
Take a Look... There's Money All Around You!
by Zangba Thomson
With the world's economy at the forefront of news, this six book series explores different types of financial institutions from Money and Credit to international loans and aid, explaining their origins and how they have developed into the major forces that they are today
With the world's economy at the forefront of news, this six book series explores different types of financial institutions from banks and banking to International Trade, explaining their origins and how they have developed into the major forces that they are today
Should the U.S. Do Business with China? (At Issue (Paperback)) (At Issue (Library))
Internship & Volunteer Opportunities for People Who Love All Things Digital (Foot in the Door (Rosen)) (Foot in the Door)
by Anastasia Suen