A powerful and visually stunning anthology from some of the most groundbreaking Native artists working in North America today. Truly universal in its themes, Dreaming In Indian will shatter commonly held stereotypes and challenge readers to rethink their own place in the world. Divided into four sections, 'Roots,' 'Battles,' 'Medicines,' and 'Dreamcatchers,' this book offers readers a unique insight into a community often misunderstood and misrepresented by the mainstream media.
AFL legends Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin are blood brothers and great mates. They are also two of the best footballers ever to play for the Sydney Swans. Between them, they played over 650 games and kicked over 900 goals. But what were Goodesy and Magic like when they were kids? What kind of scrapes did they get into at school? And what was it like to go from being normal teenagers to AFL superstars? Find out all this and much more in Kicking Goals, the story of Adam and Michael's friendsh...
Beyond the Orange Shirt Story is a unique collection of truths that articulate the lives and experiences of some Residential School Survivors and their families. Compiled by Phyllis Webstad, Residential School Survivor and Founder of the Orange Shirt Day movement, this book will give readers an up-close look at what life was like for many Survivors — before, during, and after their Residential School experiences. These personal Survivor accounts are authentically shared in their own voices. Med...
Kirkus Best Teen & YA Nonfiction of 2022 "An unforgettable physical and emotional journey." —★ Kirkus, STARRED review In this harrowing survival story, Brian Koonoo takes off on a hunting trip in Canada’s Arctic. After his snowmobile breaks down, his GPS loses signal, and his camping fuel runs low, he is left alone to survive for seven days. Inuunira is an Inuktitut term that means "how I'm alive," and this account shows exactly how Brian managed to stay alive. He experiences close encounters w...
This teaching and learning resource is produced in line with the changing curriculum in South African Schools. It considers the nature and value of culture, medicines, skills and artefacts.
by Payne Many Guns, Crystal Many Fingers, Sheena Potts, Latasha Calf Robe, Tim Fox, Marlene Yellow Horn, and Derric Starlight
"There is no death. Only a change of worlds.” —Chief Seattle [Seatlh], Suquamish Chief What do people do when their civilization is invaded? Indigenous people have been faced with disease, war, broken promises, and forced assimilation. Despite crushing losses and insurmountable challenges, they formed new nations from the remnants of old ones, they adopted new ideas and built on them, they fought back, and they kept their cultures alive. When the only possible “victory” was surviva...
Pivut, which means "it's ours" in Inuktitut, is a dynamic, multi-topic magazine for young adults that aims at sharing and celebrating Inuit cultural knowledge, in an engaging, contemporary format with vibrant illustrations and photographs.