Slavery and Human Trafficking (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Hardcover))
Juvenile Detention Centers (Know Your Rights)
by Terry Teague Meyer
Guilty? Crime, Punishment, and the Changing Nature of Justice
by Teri Kanefield
Offers an overview of crime and the American criminal justice system, using extensive examples of real cases to illustrate difficult questions about what is considered criminal and what punishment is appropriate for different types of crimes.
Bioterrorism (Opposing Viewpoints (Paperback)) (Opposing Viewpoints (Library))
Every Vote Matters: The Power of Your Voice, from Student Elections to the Supre (Teens & the Law)
by Thomas A Jacobs
What Is the Right to a Trial by Jury? (Rosen Verified: The Bill of Rights)
by Jenna Tolli
America in 1982: Japanese car companies are on the rise and believed to be putting U.S. autoworkers out of their jobs. Anti–Asian American sentiment simmers, especially in Detroit. A bar fight turns fatal, leaving a Chinese American man, Vincent Chin, beaten to death at the hands of two white men, autoworker Ronald Ebens and his stepson, Michael Nitz. Paula Yoo has crafted a searing examination of the killing and the trial and verdicts that followed. When Ebens and Nitz pled guilty to manslaught...
Tres crímenes reales sin resolver / Three Real Unsolved Crimes
by Martha Caballero
Tres crímenes nacionales, reales y sin respuesta, analizados por la analista de true crime más carismática. La proliferación de documentales, pódcast, series y dramatizaciones sobre crímenes reales se multiplica exponencialmente en las plataformas digitales. Pero ¿por qué nos resultan tan atractivas estas investigaciones? Queremos desentrañar esos misterios, comprender las motivaciones y las conductas de los criminales, y vivir la fantasía de prever cómo reaccionaríamos en situaciones pa...
In the United States, racial profiling affects thousands of Americans every day. Both individuals and institutions such as law enforcement agencies, government bodies, and schools routinely use race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of an offense.The high-profile deaths of unarmed people of color at the hands of police officers have brought renewed national attention to racial profiling and have inspired grassroots activism from groups such as Black Lives Matter. Combining rigorous...
Incarceration and the Death Penalty (Opposing Viewpoints)
by Ashley Renee Hampson
The Powers of the Supreme Court (Opposing Viewpoints)
by Avery Elizabeth Hurt
Jobs in the Corrections System (Do You Want a Career in Criminal Justice?)
by Kathleen A Klatte
Criminal Justice Professionals (Practical Career Guides)
by Kezia Endsley
Welcome to the criminal justice field! If you are interested in a career in criminal justice, you've come to the right book. So what exactly do these people do on the job, day in and day out? What kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in this field? How much can you expect to make, and what are the pros and cons of these various professions? Is this even the right career path for you? How do you avoid burnout and deal with stress? This book can help you answer these qu...