How Do I Prevent Sexual Assault? If you’re a teenager or young adult asking this question, there’s probably a reason. Have you heard rumors about someone you know getting assaulted? Do you worry about date rape? Or perhaps you’ve experienced sexual assault and didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Be Strong, Be Wise will help! Psychotherapist and trauma expert, Amy Carpenter, provides all the information young men, women, and non-binary youth need in order to avoid toxic relationships and ins...
Empower your kids to stay safe online with this fun, comprehensive guide for kids aged 11+. Packed with entertaining illustrations alongside practical information, the Social Media Survival Guide answers questions about all aspects of social media - the good AND the bad - making it a must-have tool for young people (and parents) to help navigate the online world safely and confidently and learn the best approaches to taking care of themselves. Content includes:- In-depth coverage of a range of i...
Essential Survival Stories (Set) (Essential Survival Stories)
Storms, tornados, floods, wildfires—the world is full of natural disasters that do terrible damage to our homes, towns, and cities. Knowing how to prepare for a natural disaster and what you can do if one does happen is the best way to keep yourself safe.
Things We Haven’t Said is a powerful collection of poems, essays, letters, vignettes and interviews written by a diverse group of impressive adults who survived sexual violence as children and adolescents. Structured to incorporate creative writing to engage the reader and informative interviews to dig for context, this anthology is a valuable resource of hope, grit and honest conversation that will help teens tackle the topic of sexual violence, upend stigma and maintain hope for a better futur...
Helping Yourself, Helping Others (Helping Yourself, Helping Others)
Terrorism and Perceived Terrorism Threats (Safety First)
by Kim Etingoff
An Empowering Antiracist Book for Teens"Resilient Black Girl is a timely and powerful book for our Black girls and girls of color to reclaim their confidence and be beacons of courage and hope for generations to come."―Shanicia Boswell, author, Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant! #1 New Release in Social Activists, Maturing, Women, and Teen & Young Adult 21st Century United States History As a social justice book for teens and a book about racism, Resilient Black Girl provides Black teen girls a better u...
Recognizing Microaggressions (Racial Literacy)
by Nadra Nittle
Remember the mouse who wanted a cookie—and a glass of milk to go with it? Or the moose who wanted a muffin? In If You Give an Ox an Oxy, adolescents meet an ox who takes a prescription medication called an opioid. They follow him as he goes from taking a few opioids, to overusing them, and finally becoming addicted, learning about treatment for addiction and how dangerous taking illegal opioid drugs can be. Inspired by the mouse who was clearly addicted to cookies, Ox’s story demonstrates how...
Who rescued who? This popular animal-shelter bumper sticker captures an enduring emotional truth: With their love and companionship, animals save our lives every day. But sometimes, to our utter amazement and everlasting gratitude, animals literally save our lives, and this heartwarming book collects over fifty real-life stories of animals rescuing people, in which their bravery and compassion have meant the difference between life and death.
Chasing the Storm: Tornadoes, Meteorology, and Weather Watching
by Ron Miller
Traumatic Brain Injury: From Concussion to Coma
by Connie Goldsmith