de Paris A Carthage Par Rome, Notes d'Art Et de Voyage
by Georges Loiseau-Bailly
Greater Than a Tourist- Cairo Egypt (Greater Than a Tourist, #101)
by Greater Than a Tourist and Gihan Amin
Documents Pour Servir A l'Etude Du Nord-Ouest Africain. T. 4 (Ed.1894-1897) (Histoire)
by Lacroix-N
Libya Travel Journal, Pop. 5,613,380 + Me
by Dragon Dragon Travel Journals
"Libyan Sands" is unmistakably the work of an Englishman, a modest, machine- and desert-loving young officer whose passionate amateur enthusiasm led to the exploration of the Egyptian western desert and the Libyan Sahara on the eve of the second world war.
Ever since the first intrepid European explorers ventured up the Nile, an eclectic crowd of tourists, soldiers, fortune-seekers, tomb-raiders and empire-builders has travelled to Egypt. Whether sparked by its rich history and compelling landscapes, the elusive ruins of a once-magnificent civilisation or the country's strategic importance in world politics, the west's fascination with Egypt has flourished over that past two centuries. In a fast-paced narrative, richly adorned with gossip, anecdot...
Libya through a Camera Lens (A photographic journey through Libya)
by M Lab
How Not to Travel North Africa, Middle East, Israel and Malta and Still Enjoy Yourself
by Jack Glass
Au Sahara, Illustre d'Apres Des Photographies de l'Auteur (Ed.1891) (Litterature)
by Hugues Le Roux
Ancient Egypt (Children's Ancient History Books)
by Baby Professor
Cameroon (A Very Personal Adventure, #10)
by World Travel Adventure Logs
Many readers know Lawrence Durrell as the famed author of the lush and sensuous Alexandria Quartet. However, this wonderful book contains the best of Durrell's incomparable travel writing. It is collected here for the first time in a single volume and offers a chance to rediscover the author as one of the great travel writers of the twentieth century. Durrell's passionate, evocative writing about his travelsin particular the Greek islandsis a timeless exploration of how landscapes shape our expe...
Democracy is the Answer - Egypt`s Years of Revolution
by Alaa Al Aswany
As the Egyptian revolution unfolded throughout 2011 and the ensuing years, no one was better positioned to comment on it - and try to push it in productive directions - than best-selling novelist and political commentator Alba Al Aswany. For years a leading critic of the Mubarak regime, Al Aswany used his weekly newspaper column for Al-Masry Al-Youm to propound the revolution's ideals and to confront the increasingly troubled politics of its aftermath. This book presents, for the first time in E...