The Aeroplane Boys Flight or a Hydroplane Roundup
by Luther John Langworthy
Only The Strongest Women Become Flight Attendants
by Pb Aviation and Pilots Press
FAR/AIM 2019: Up-to-Date FAA Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)
All the information you need to operate safely in US airspace, fully updated. If you're an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In today's environment, there is no excuse for ignorance of the rules of the US airspace system. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current FAA data. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the av...
Test Flying in Lancashire from Samlesbury and Warton Aerodromes
by James H. Longworth
Simplifying the Far Aims
by James E. Guilkey and Christopher D. Snyder
The Airplane - A Practical Discussion Of The Principles Of Airplane Flight
by Frederick Bedell
Aerobatics (Master Pilot's Manuals S.) (Airlife Pilot's Handbooks)
by David Robson
This book is designed to tempt you to explore the wonderful world of aerobatic flight. It shows the basic maneuvers in simple diagrams and the techniques for those maneuvers are clearly explained. It also provides an introduction to the effects of the forces of maneuvering flight on the aircraft structure and on the pilot's body. Aerobatics represent the most satisfying form of visual flight and can be both challenging and rewarding. The scope is unlimited. The important proviso is that you lear...
Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) has gained increased attention from the airline industry in recent years due to the growing number of accidents and near misses in airline traffic. This book, authored by the first generation of CRM experts, is the first comprehensive work on CRM. Cockpit Resource Management is a far-reaching discussion of crew coordination, communication, and resources from both within and without the cockpit. A valuable resource for commercialand military airline training curr...
This is a collection of stories, capturing the fierce spirit of bush pilots and their adventures, wrecks, humor and rescues.
Pooleys Flight Guide to the United Kingdom - Loose Leaf Insert