Deriving a best value Water Resources Management Plan: Practitioner's Guide
by H.R. Wallingford
by Ricardo Energy
Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences
by Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, Amartya Mukhopadhyay, and Bikramjit Basu
Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences introduces and emphasizes the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of education and research from a materials science perspective. This approach is aimed to promote understanding of the physical, chemical, biological and engineering aspects of any materials science problem. Contents are prepared to maintain the strong background of fundamental engineering disciplines while integrating them with the disciplines of natural science. It presents key conce...
Who is monitoring the huge amounts of junk now orbiting the Earth? What can we learn from predicting the "weather" in space? What is the commercial value of the universe? How old is it? Are wormholes the key to travel in time and space? This text describes the findings of Channel 4's "Equinox" programme and investigates further. This is an introduction to the subject of scientific exploration.
Engineering (House of Commons Papers, Session 2008-09, 50-III)
Three Tests Performed in a Local Dairy Laboratory During the 1960s
by Doreen King
The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)
Technological advances in computerization and robotics threaten to eliminate countless jobs from the labor market in the near future. These advances have reignited the debate about universal basic income. The essays in this collection offer unique and compelling perspectives on the ever-changing nature of work and the plausibility of a universal basic income to address the elimination of jobs from the workforce. The essays address a number of topics related to these issues, including the prospec...
Water Resources and Economic Processes (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics)
Water exploitation has increased notably in the world during the last 250 years since the onset of industrialisation. The relationships between economic processes and water use are complex and include many interwoven drivers such as: technological development, dietary choices and food production, climate change, demographic change, and policy reforms, among others. Ensuring food, water, and energy for the growing population remains a common global challenge. Taking on a multi- and inter-discipl...
It may be surprising to focus on and praise imperfection, but, in reality, perfection is a fiction. Every aspect of our technologies is based on understanding and exploiting imperfections in the materials we use. Imperfections are key to our use of metals, glass, electronics, computers, optical fibres, and building materials. Catalysis, as used throughout chemical industries, is dependent on imperfections, as are a wide range of modern advances in biology and medicine. This book provides example...
Research & Development Log (Logbook, Journal - 96 pages, 5 x 8 inches) (Centurion Logbooks/Record Books)
by Centurion Logbooks
Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research
This book series aims to capture advances in computers and information in engineering research, especially by researchers and members of ASME's Computers & Information in Engineering (CIE) Division. The books will be published in both traditional and eBook formats. The series is focusing on advances in computational methods, algorithms, tools, and processes on the cutting edge of research and development as they have evolved and/or have been reported during the last three to five annual CIE con...
The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies
Innovation is a pivotal driving force behind economic growth. Technological capability deepens and diversifies industrial activity, which fundamentally enhances growth potential. Consequently, failure to build effective technological capability can lead to slow long-term economic growth. This book synthesizes and interprets existing knowledge on technology upgrading failures in order to better understand the challenges of technology upgrading in emerging economies. The objective is to bring toge...
Game-Playing for Active Ageing and Healthy Lifestyles (River Publishers Information Science and Technology)
by Ana Isabel Veloso and Liliana Vale Costa
Introduction to Engineering Design
by Ann Saterbak and Matthew Wettergreen
Introduction to Engineering Design is a practical, straightforward workbook designed to systematize the often messy process of designing solutions to open-ended problems. From learning about the problem to prototyping a solution, this workbook guides developing engineers and designers through the iterative steps of the engineering design process. Created in a freshman engineering design course over ten years, this workbook has been refined to clearly guide students and teams to success. Togethe...
Every trader knows the importance of a thorough understanding of the many applications of the Elliott Wave Principle. This book will help readers learn to apply the principles of Elliott Wave analysis to stocks, bonds and commodities and dramatically improve investment returns. Frost and Prechter cover the latest information on terminology, rule and guidelines, alteration, correct counting, bear market limitations, charting the waves, wave personality, learning the basics, historical and mathema...
by MounceHydroSmart
Geographic Information Research
Geographic Information Research is a broad discipline, and is being actively pursued world-wide. A group of researchers in both North America and Europe have come together as contributors to this volume as a way of combining their expertise. The emphasis is on matters of political, strategic and organizational importance, rather than on technology or systems, and covers the theory and social and political practice which goes hand-in-hand with GIS.