More than one-third of projects have a budget of seven figures or more, so handling the finances is an essential part of a project manager's repertoire. Keeping to budget is not always easy, and it is made harder by the fact that project managers themselves don't always get control over the money. As the 'average' project has its budget revised at least three times, the situation can be further complicated. This is one section of the book "Shortcuts to Success".
Pipeline Management
by Dr Craig Voortman, Louis Buys, and Hugo van den Berg
Supply Chain Management Auf Basis Von SAP-Systemen (SAP Kompetent)
by Gerhard Knolmayer, Peter Mertens, and Alexander Zeier
Supply Chain Management (SCM) ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem vielbeach teten Konzept der UntemehmensfUhrung geworden: Es iibertragt die Idee des "Lean Management," das die Eliminierung von Verschwendungen innerhalb des Untemehmens anstrebt, auf die gesamte WertschOpfungskette. Die meisten Ver Offentlichungen zum SCM stammen aus dem amerikanischen Raum und konzen trieren sich auf Organisations-, Logistik- sowie Marketingfragen. Die zentrale Rolle, welche der Informationsverarbeitung (IV) an d...
Il volume tratta alcuni fra i temi più importanti della Ricerca Operativa, traendo spunti da alcuni problemi reali di carattere gestionale e cercando di dare al lettore un metodo di modellizzazione e di risoluzione, così da fornire quella professionalità che poi permetterà di risolvere casi reali abbastanza complessi. A questo riguardo la Programmazione lineare e la Programmazione lineare intera svolgono nel testo un ruolo centrale, come "utensili" principali del processo risolutivo. I problemi...
Manufacturing Facilities Design & Material Handling
by Matthew P. Stephens and Fred E. Meyers
For Junior/Senior level courses in Plant and Facilities Planning and Manufacturing Systems and Procedures. This textbook is also suitable for graduate level and two-year college courses. This textbook takes a practical, hands-on, project-oriented approach to exploring the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout. The text also introduces state-of-the-art tools, including computer simulation. The textbook covers theoretical concepts in a very easy to understand ap...
Die zunehmende Bedeutung von Informationsflüssen für die Wertschöpfung geht einher mit einer wachsenden Kohärenz der Wertschöpfungsketten. Kenntnisse darüber sind für die strategische Planung in der Politik wie in Unternehmen gleichermaßen wichtig. Die Beiträge des Buchs untersuchen die Auswirkungen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf Güter- und Informationsflüsse zwischen Herstellern und Endverbrauchern. Dazu werden Güter- und Informationsflüsse entlang von Produktions- und Dis...
Before You Ever Put the First Shovel in the Ground. This Book Could Be the Difference Between a Successful Mining Operation and a Money Pit Opening a successful new mine is a vastly complex undertaking entailing several years and millions to billions of dollars. In today's world, when environmental and labor policies, regulatory compliance, and impact on the community must be factored in, you cannot afford to make a mistake. So the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration has created this...
The Design Guidelines Collaborative Framework
by Stefano Filippi and Ilaria Cristofolini
In the industrial design and engineering field, product lifecycle, product development, design process, Design for X, etc., constitute only a small sample of terms related to the generation of quality products. Current best practices cover widely different knowledge domains in trying to exploit them to the best advantage, individually and in synergy. Moreover, standards become increasingly more helpful in interfacing these domains and they are enlarging their coverage by going beyond the single...
Electronic Commerce, Third Edition is a complete introduction to the world of electronic commerce, including balanced coverage of technical and business topics. Case studies and plentiful business examples complement conceptual coverage to provide a real-world context. Implementation strategies are analyzed, using examples of both successful and unsuccessful implementations.
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access™ and Excel®
by Joseph Brady, Ellen Monk, and Gerard Cook
PROBLEM-SOLVING CASES IN MICROSOFT® ACCESS® AND EXCEL®, Twelfth Annual Edition, helps you apply the Access® database management system and Excel® spreadsheet to effectively analyze and solve real-world business problems. Six individual tutorials build a practical knowledge of each software application's capabilities, while 12 all-new case studies present scenarios and problems common in business. Further, a skill-building integration feature requires readers to use Access® and Excel® together on...
Standortplanung in Distributiven Systemen (Betriebswirtschaftliche Studien)
by Andreas Klose
Automatisierte Industrieprozesse
by Gerfried Zeichen and Karl Furst
Die ganzheitliche Behandlung von komplexen industriellen Prozessen in der Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung und bei der Herstellung von Sachgutern und/oder Dienstleistungen ist das zentrale Thema des Buches. Die Autoren haben eine voellig neue Darstellung in der Form von Thesen gewahlt, die aus Erfahrungen bei der Planung und Durchfuhrung von komplexen Industrieprozessen destilliert wurden. Auf folgende Punkte wurde besonderer Wert gelegt: - Vernetzung von rein technischen mit den organisatorische...
Project Management of Hotel Opening Processes (Simplified Chinese Version)
by Gert Noordzij
Are We There Yet? Diary of a Project Manager
by Donald Angelo Pillittere
Microsoft Project Server 2013 Managing Projects and Portfolios
by Gary Chefetz and Margaret Wallace