Materials and Crystallographic Aspects of Htc-Superconductivity
by E Kaldis
Superconducting Magnet Systems (Technische Physik in Einzeldarstellungen, #18)
by H. Brechna
The renaissance of magnet technology started in the early 1950s with the establishment of high-energy accelerators. About a decade later in 1961, or fifty years after the discovery of superconductivity, high-field superconducting laboratory magnets became a reality. Conventional still the major beam-handling and experimen- electromagnets, which are tal devices used in laboratories, operate at zero efficiency. To generate high magnetic fields in a useful volume, considerable amounts of power are...
Thermodynamics is a well-established discipline of physics for properties of matter in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings. Applying to crystals, however, the laws encounter undefined properties of crystal lattice, which therefore need to be determined for a clear and well-defined description of crystalline states. Thermodynamics of Crystalline States explores the roles played by order variables and dynamic lattices in crystals in a wholly new way. The book begins by clarifying basic conc...
This primer is a collection of notes based on lectures that were originally given at IIT Madras (India) and at IFT Madrid (Spain). It is a concise and pragmatic course on applied holography focusing on the basic analytic and numerical techniques involved. The presented lectures are not intended to provide all the fundamental theoretical background, which can be found in the available literature, but they concentrate on concrete applications of AdS/CFT to hydrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics...
Theory Of High Temperature Superconductivity: A Conventional Approach
by Todor M Mishonov and Evgeni S Penev
Drawing from the broad spectrum of phenomena, described in more than 100,000 articles on high-Tc superconductivity, in this book, the authors analyze those basic properties for which understanding can be achieved within the framework of traditional methods of theoretical physics.This is the case of the overdoped cuprates for which the "Bardeen program" has been realized: We know their electronic spectrum, we can calculate their basic thermodynamic and electrodynamic properties, and predict new p...
Uniaxial Stress Technique and Investigations of Correlated Electron Systems (Springer Theses)
by Mark Edward Barber
This book reports on the development and application of a new uniaxial pressure apparatus that is currently generating considerable interest in the field of materials physics. The author provides practical guidelines for performing such experiments, backed up by finite element simulations. Subsequently, the book reports on two uses of the device. In the first, high pressures are used to tune to a Van Hove singularity in Sr2RuO4, while the effects on the unconventional superconductivity and the n...
Spin-Crossover Cobaltite (Springer Series in Materials Science, #305)
This book describes the history of and recent developments in cobaltite and the spin-crossover (SC) phenomena. It offers readers an overview of essential research conducted on cobaltite and introduces them to the fundamentals of condensed matter physics research. The book consists of two parts. The first part reviews SC phenomena, covering the fundamental physics of SC phenomena and basic material properties of cobaltite. The second part focuses on recent topics in SC cobaltite, including the o...
Fundamental Elements of Applied Superconductivity in Electrical Engineering
by Yinshun Wang
Superconducting technology is potentially important as one of the future smart grid technologies. It is a combination of superconductor materials, electrical engineering, cryogenic insulation, cryogenics and cryostats. There has been no specific book fully describing this branch of science and technology in electrical engineering. However, this book includes these areas, and is essential for those majoring in applied superconductivity in electrical engineering. Recently, superconducting technolo...
This Workshop addresses the role of magnetic interactions in the various aspects of high Tc superconducting materials, including the fundamental nature of the elementary excitations and their effect on the measured microscopic and macroscopic magnetic properties of these materials. Applications involving the magnetic behaviour of high Tc superconductors is a special feature of this Workshop.
Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering Iv
by Pavuna
Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, II represents the results of a fruitful dialogue between physicists and materials scientists which took place under the auspices of a NATO Advanced Study Institute in Porto Carras, Greece, between 18 and 31 August, 1991. It builds on and carries forward the success of NATO ASI 181 published in 1990. The theoretical side of the discussions reveal the basic premise of the phenomenological and Ginzburg-Landau theories of s...
This book presents comprehensive studies of charge density waves (CDW) in a high-Tc cuprate superconductor using x-ray scattering techniques under uniaxial pressure. Specifically, the work addresses inelastic x-ray scattering studies under uniaxial pressure performed on the underdoped cuprate YBa2Cu3O6.67(p=0.12, Tc=65K) with incoming photon energy in the resonant (E=931.3 eV, Cu-L3 edge) and non-resonant conditions (E=17.794 keV). This is a completely new approach to the investigation of charge...
This book discusses the impact of recent superconducting materials research, indicating research goals which appear realistic and, if reached, would enable diverse commercial applications of the new materials.
Seit nunmehr drei Jahrzehnten ist der Buckel das Referenzwerk in deutscher Sprache zum Thema Supraleitung. Immer wieder aktualisiert, hat das Lehrbuch Generationen von Studenten begleitet. In der 6., vollstandig uberarbeiteten Auflage wird das bewahrte didaktische Konzept beibehalten, inhaltlich wurde der Band dem aktuellen Stand von Forschung und Technik angepasst. Das Autorenteam um Prof. Kleiner verzichtet auf komplizierte mathematische Herleitungen. Es baut ganz auf das bewahrte Step-by-Step...
Superconductivity in Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes (Springer Theses)
by Pablo Burset Atienza
The unique electronic band structure of graphene gives rise to remarkable properties when in contact with a superconducting electrode. In this thesis two main aspects of these junctions are analyzed: the induced superconducting proximity effect and the non-local transport properties in multi-terminal devices. For this purpose specific models are developed and studied using Green function techniques, which allow us to take into account the detailed microscopic structure of the graphene-supercondu...
Compendium of New Techniques in Harmonic Analysis
Electric Power Conversion
Introduction to Superconductivity: v. 1 (Dover Books on Physics)
by Michael Tinkham