Kid Crafts introduces younger children to the magic of electronics through the softer side of circuits! Young explorers will learn about electronics through sewing and craft projects aimed at maker parents and their children, elementary school teachers, and kids' activity leaders. Each project introduces new skills and new components in a progressive series of projects that take learners from the very basics to understanding how to use components such as sensors, transistors, and timers. The boo...
The mBot robotics platform is a hugely popular kit because of the quality of components and price. With hundreds of thousands of these kits out there in homes, schools and makerspaces, there is much untapped potential. Getting Started with mBots is for non-technical parents, kids and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering o...
In this Issue we explore DIY space. Hear from "The Martian" author Andy Weir, in conversation with Adam Savage. Also learn how to hunt killer asteroids and perfect your star photography. In this issue, you'll: Learn how you can help NASA; Check out Bill Nye's Lightsail; Build a working ion engine and Hack a dead satellite.
Entropy in Control Engineering (Series in Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation)
by G N Saridis
Local Disturbance Decoupling with Stability for Nonlinear Systems (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, #166)
by L L M Van Der Wegen
Instrumentelle Analytik (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Douglas A Skoog, F James Holler, and Stanley R Crouch
Das Standard-Lehrbuchs zur Instrumentellen Analytik, begrundet von Skoog und Leary, ist hiermit endlich wieder auf Deutsch verfugbar. Als stark erweiterte, komplett uberarbeitete Ausgabe unterstutzt es fortgeschrittene Studenten der Chemie an Universitaten und Hochschulen. Es berucksichtig die Anforderungen einer grossen Vielfalt an Disziplinen, die ein Grundwissen in Analytischer Chemie benoetigen, und richtet sich damit auch an Physiker, Ingenieure und Biochemiker. Das Buch fuhrt aktuell und k...
Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #14)
"Advances in Human-Robot Interaction" provides a unique collection of recent research in human-robot interaction. It covers the basic important research areas ranging from multi-modal interfaces, interpretation, interaction, learning, or motion coordination to topics such as physical interaction, systems, and architectures. The book addresses key issues of human-robot interaction concerned with perception, modelling, control, planning and cognition, covering a wide spectrum of applications. This...
Automated Planning (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence)
by Dana Nau, Malik Ghallab, and Paolo Traverso
Automated planning technology now plays a significant role in a variety of demanding applications, ranging from controlling space vehicles and robots to playing the game of bridge. These real-world applications create new opportunities for synergy between theory and practice: observing what works well in practice leads to better theories of planning, and better theories lead to better performance of practical applications. Automated Planning mirrors this dialogue by offering a comprehensive, u...
A central theme in the study of dynamic systems is the modelling and control of uncertain systems. While 'uncertainty' has long been a strong motivating factor behind many techniques developed in the modelling, control, statistics and mathematics communities, the past decade, in particular, has witnessed remarkable progress in this area with the emergence of a number of powerful newmethodsforbothmodellingandcontrollinguncertaindynamicsystems. The speci?c objective of this book is to describe and...
Visual Perception and Control of Underwater Robots
by Junzhi Yu, Xingyu Chen, and Shihan Kong
Visual Perception and Control of Underwater Robots covers theories and applications from aquatic visual perception and underwater robotics. Within the framework of visual perception for underwater operations, image restoration, binocular measurement, and object detection are addressed. More specifically, the book includes adversarial critic learning for visual restoration, NSGA-II-based calibration for binocular measurement, prior knowledge refinement for object detection, analysis of temporal d...
Pragmatic Power (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)
by William Eccles
Pragmatic Power is focused on just three aspects of the AC electrical power system that supplies and moves the vast majority of electrical energy nearly everywhere in the world: three-phase power systems, transformers, and induction motors. The reader needs to have had an introduction to electrical circuits and AC power, although the text begins with a review of the basics of AC power. Balanced three-phase systems are studied by developing their single-phase equivalents. The study includes a loo...
Coefficient Plane Models for Control System Analysis and Design (Mechanical engineering research studies)
by D. R. Towill
Fuzzy Logic - das bedeutet mehr Flexibilität in der Automatisierungstechnik, Regelungstechnik, Logistik und Elektrotechnik. Die Grundlagen der vielversprechenden Technologie werden in diesem einführenden Lehrbuch aufgezeigt. Für Leser, die nicht nur die Potentiale erkennen wollen, sondern sich für die praktische Umsetzung interessieren. Die zweite Auflage wurde um einen Aufgabenteil erweitert.
Das Buch vermittelt allgemeinverstandlich die mathematischen Zusammenhange moderner Simulationsmethoden und deren systematische Fehlerquellen. Nur mit diesem Wissen ist es moeglich, Simulationsergebnisse kritisch beurteilen zu koennen. Die vorgestellten Methoden bilden die Grundlage fur fast alle gangigen Simulationsprogramme. Zahlreiche Simulationen beschreiben, wie Simulations-Tools heute eingesetzt werden. Fur die Durchfuhrung der Simulation am Rechner wird das weltweit verbreitete Finite-Ele...
Supply Chain Management (SCM) bedeutet, die Logistikkette ganzheitlich zu betrachten und zu optimieren, also hochproduktive Logistikstrukturen in Beschaffung, Produktion und Distribution zu schaffen. SCM hat zum Ziel, die Kosten und Durchlaufzeiten in der Lieferkette zu senken sowie die Lieferperformance und Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhoehen. Dies erfordert die optimierte Zusammenarbeit in der Wertschoepfungskette mit einem durchgangigen Informationsfluss sowie effiziente interne und externe Logis...
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
by Roberto Tempo, Giuseppe Calafiore, and Fabrizio Dabbene
Moving on from earlier stochastic and robust control paradigms, this book introduces the fundamentals of probabilistic methods in the analysis and design of uncertain systems. The use of randomized algorithms, guarantees a reduction in the computational complexity of classical robust control algorithms and in the conservativeness of methods like H-infinity control. Features: * self-contained treatment explaining randomized algorithms from their genesis in the principles of probability theory...
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Productivity - Japan and the United States of America
by George K. Chacko
Multivariable Computer-Controlled Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
by Efim N. Rosenwasser and Bernhard P. Lampe
In this book, the authors extend the parametric transfer function methods, which incorporate time-dependence, to the idea of the parametric transfer matrix in a complete exposition of analysis and design methods for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) sampled-data systems. Appendices covering basic mathematical formulae, two MATLAB (R) toolboxes round out this self-contained guide to multivariable control systems. The book will interest researchers in automatic control and to development engi...
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics X (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #86)
Algorithms are a fundamental component of robotic systems. Robot algorithms process inputs from sensors that provide noisy and partial data, build geometric and physical models of the world, plan high-and low-level actions at different time horizons, and execute these actions on actuators with limited precision. The design and analysis of robot algorithms raise a unique combination of questions from many elds, including control theory, computational geometry and topology, geometrical and physic...
Design Rules for Actuators in Active Mechanical Systems
by Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt and Flavio Campanile
"Design Rules for Actuators in Active Mechanical Systems" deals with the formulation of model-based design rules to be used in the conception of optimized mechatronic and adaptronic systems. The book addresses the comparison of different actuator classes for given applications and offers answers to the following questions: What is the relationship between actuator geometry and primary output quantities? How scalable are actuators based on the same principle? How are energetic output quantities (...