Addressing the elements of reliability using a new and creative approach for the first time in one source, this book is intended to simplify the assessment of reliability by first identifying the current expectations then assessing the current practices to determine if expectations are realistic or if they are not supported by programs and practices. It combines the most effective and efficient of those approaches into a single activity that shows managers what they have a right to expect and wh...
Making Sense of Innovation in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
by Natalya Sergeeva
This book offers a new understanding of innovation in the built environment. The ways meaning of innovation is constructed has important implications for policymakers, project managers, academics and students. Through a longitudinal research study into innovation in firms and projects, the book addresses some key themes, challenges and concerns that practitioners face when managing innovation in the built environment. It examines the key drivers for innovation in the construction, engineering an...
This volume contains papers presented at the 2014 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2014). The meeting brought together leading academics, industry practitioners, and research scientists from around the world to advance the body of knowledge available in the quality, reliability, maintenance, and safety of engineering systems.Topics of covered include the following: Quality Engineering; Survival Data Analysis; Quality Assurance an...
Exploring the concept of quality management from a new point of view, this book presents a holistic model of how consumers judge the quality of products. It links consumer perceptions of quality to the design and delivery of the final product, and presents models and methods for improving the quality of these products and services. It offers readers an improved understanding of how and why the design process must consider how the consumer will perceive a product or service. In order to facilitat...
PflanzenklAranlagen werden seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten als HausklAranlagen und kommunale KlAranlagen fA1/4r kleinere Ortschaften eingesetzt. Erfahrungen zeigen, dass sie eine hohe LeistungsfAhigkeit haben, sofern sie richtig geplant, gebaut und betrieben werden. Dieses Fachbuch ist die Zusammenfassung einer umfangreichen Auswertung von Langzeiterfahrungen und Ergebnissen grAAerer PflanzenklAranlagen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Inhaltlich gliedert sich das Fachbuch in die Bereiche Anlagentechni...
Stoerfalle in technischen Anlagen sind Zufallsereignisse. Deshalb kann man sie nicht ganzlich vermeiden. Wohl aber lassen sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihres Auftretens und das Schadensausmass verringern. In diesem Buch werden, ausgehend von Gefahrdungen durch Stoffe und Betriebsbedingungen, moegliche technische und organisatorische Massnahmen aufgezeigt, Gefahrdungen zu mindern. Qualitative Analysemethoden zum Auffinden von Schwachstellen und zur Erhoehung der Sicherheit sowie Modelle zur Abschat...
Global Innovation Science Handbook, Chapter 30 - Stage-Gate
by C. Anthony Di Benedetto
Statistical Process Control for Real-World Applications
by William A. Levinson
The normal or bell curve distribution is far more common in statistics textbooks than it is in real factories, where processes follow non-normal and often highly skewed distributions. Statistical Process Control for Real-World Applications shows how to handle non-normal applications scientifically and explain the methodology to suppliers and customers. The book exposes the pitfalls of assuming normality for all processes, describes how to test the normality assumption, and illustrates when non-...
Multivariate Quality Control (Quality and Reliability)
by Camil Fuchs and Ron S. Kenett
Provides a theoretical foundation as well as practical tools for the analysis of multivariate data, using case studies and MINITAB computer macros to illustrate basic and advanced quality control methods. This work offers an approach to quality control that relies on statistical tolerance regions, and discusses computer graphic analysis highlighting multivariate profile charts.
Solutions Manual to Accompany Introduction to Line ar Regression Analysis, 6th edition
by Douglas C Montgomery
As the Solutions Manual, this book is meant to accompany the main title, Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Sixth Edition. Clearly balancing theory with applications, this book describes both the conventional and less common uses of linear regression in the practical context of today's mathematical and scientific research. Beginning with a general introduction to regression modeling, including typical applications, the book then outlines a host of technical tools that form the linear re...
Accidents and natural disasters involving nuclear power plants such as Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and the recent meltdown at Fukushima are rare, but their effects are devastating enough to warrant increased vigilance in addressing safety concerns. Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems for Safety and Security evaluates the risks inherent to nuclear power and methods of preventing accidents through computer control systems and other such emerging technologies. Students and sch...
UEber das Verhalten geschweisster Trager bei Dauerbeanspruchung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Schweissspannungen
by Georg Bierett
Natural Risk Management and Engineering (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)
This book summarizes the research being pursued as part of the Erasmus+ CBHE KA2 project entitled "Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries" (NatRisk), which aims to educate experts on the prevention and management of natural disasters in the Western Balkan region in line with national and EU policies. The project has successfully developed and implemented master curricula and educational training in the field of natural disasters risk man...
Integrated Catastrophe Risk Modeling (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, #32)
Efficient and equitable policies for managing disaster risks and adapting to global environmental change are critically dependent on development of robust options supported by integrated modeling. The book is based on research and state-of-the art models developed at IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) and within its cooperation network. It addresses the methodological complexities of assessing disaster risks, which call for stochastic simulation, optimization methods...
Manufacturing Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing, #36)
by John P. Tanner
Revised and updated introduction, useful as a reference source for engineers and managers or as a text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in technical colleges and universities. Includes end-of-chapter questions (an answer book is provided for teachers). Annotation copyright Book New
Handbook of Innovation and Standards
Innovation and standardization might seem polar opposites, but over many years various scholars have noted close connections between the two. This Handbook assembles a broad range of thinking on this subject, with contributions from several disciplinary perspectives by over 30 leading scholars and experienced practitioners. Collectively, they summarize and synthesize the existing body of knowledge - theory and evidence - pertaining to standards and innovation, and provide insights into how this...
Handbook of Advanced Performability Engineering
This book considers all aspects of performability engineering, providing a holistic view of the activities associated with a product throughout its entire life cycle of the product, as well as the cost of minimizing the environmental impact at each stage, while maximizing the performance. Building on the editor's previous Handbook of Performability Engineering, it explains how performability engineering provides us with a framework to consider both dependability and sustainability in the optimal...
Machinery Prognostics and Prognosis Oriented Maintenance Management
by Jihong Yan
This book gives a complete presentatin of the basic essentials of machinery prognostics and prognosis oriented maintenance management, and takes a look at the cutting-edge discipline of intelligent failure prognosis technologies for condition-based maintenance. Presents an introduction to advanced maintenance systems, and discusses the key technologies for advanced maintenance by providing readers with up-to-date technologiesOffers practical case studies on performance evaluation and fault diagn...
Although there are many books on root cause analysis (RCA), most concentrate on team actions such as brainstorming and using quality tools to discuss the failure under investigation. These may be necessary steps during RCA, but authors often fail to mention the most important member of an RCA team-the failed part.Root Cause Analysis: A Step-By-Step Guide to Using the Right Tool at the Right Time provides authoritative guidance on how to empirically investigate quality failures using scientific m...
The road to registration and conformance with ISO 14000Nthe world's first generic, internationally recognized standard for environmental managementNis filled with potholes, curves, and blind alleys. Written by one of the world's leading ISO certification experts, this insider's guide shows you how to avoid these roadblocks and speed your company's journey to ISO 14000 registration. It provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for EMS and surveillance audits, select a qualifie...
Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance (Quality and Reliability, #16)
by Stanley L. Robinson and Richard Kendall Miller
New concepts for gaging, inspection, checking, machine vision, and robotic testing. Includes guidelines for installing complex electronic and computerized systems and a directory of commercially availalbe computer software, as well as distributors' names and addresses. Annotation copyright Book News