Floating Offshore Wind Energy (Green Energy and Technology)
This book provides a state-of-the-art review of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT). It offers developers a global perspective on floating offshore wind energy conversion technology, documenting the key challenges and practical solutions that this new industry has found to date. Drawing on a wide network of experts, it reviews the conception, early design stages, load & structural analysis and the construction of FOWT. It also presents and discusses data from pioneering projects. Written by e...
BioH2 & BioCH4 Through Anaerobic Digestion (Green Energy and Technology)
by Bernardo Ruggeri, Tonia Tommasi, and Sara Sanfilippo
This book presents a Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion (TSAD) technique for producing hydrogen and methane, following a step-by-step approach in order to guide readers through the experimental verification of the related hypothesis. In the first stage of AD, the reaction conditions are optimized to obtain the maximum amount of hydrogen, while in the second the liquid residue from the first phase is used as a substrate to produce fuel-methane. AD has traditionally been used to reduce the organic cont...
Energy Economics in Britain
Paul Tempest Energy economics is, in national policy, a vital point of inter section where Government, industry, finance, research and many other interests meet. In Britain, it is not a recognised profession or academic discipline in its own right. Perhaps it is part of our national style and heritage that it never should be so compartmentalised. Indeed, energy economics is an interest which cannot easily be con strained within even national boundanes: international energy mar kets impinge ev...
The understanding of renewable energy and its significant impacts on economy has the potential to uplift the livelihood of people. However, technological implications cannot be avoided in the present scenario. This book explains overall profile of energy resources, principles of renewable energy technologies, along with a demonstration of applications. The authors describe and explain the background and present profile of energy generation with special reference to the preservation of biodivers...
Stakeholders and Scientists
Nation and the World must move forward with development of a range of energy sources and savings, all with attendant environmental problems. Solving these problems, and those remaining from past energy-related activities, will require iteration, inclusion, and collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, including U.S., State and local governmental agencies, Tribal Nations, scientists, environmentalists, public policy makers, and the general public.
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
The 1977 PhotovoLtaic SoLar Energy Conference was the first European Conference devoted to the potentiaL of soLar ceLLs as a future energy source. The Commission, aware of the need to deveLop aLternative sources of energy, took the initiative of organizing this conference. The strength of the participation from the Community as weLL as from third countries and the tremendous new interest which expressed itseLf at the technicaL sessions showed that we were right to do so. In the pLanning of energ...
Seventh E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
Microbial Technologies in Advanced Biofuels Production
Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of ht recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new,...
Practices and Perspectives in Sustainable Bioenergy (Green Energy and Technology)
This book presents a systems approach to bioenergy and provides a means to capture the complexity of bioenergy issues, including both direct and indirect impacts across the energy economy. The book addresses critical topics such as systems thinking; sustainability, biomass; feedstocks of importance and relevance (that are not competing with the food market); anaerobic digestion and biogas; biopower and bioheat; and policies, economy, and rights to access to clean energy. This is a contributed vo...
Transforming Power Development Planning in the Greater Mekong Subregion
There has been an enormous infusion of new ideas in the field of solar cells over the last 15 years; discourse on energy transfer has gotten much richer, and nanostructures and nanomaterials have revolutionized the possibilities for new technological developments. However, solar energy cannot become ubiquitous in the world's power markets unless it can become economically competitive with legacy generation methods such as fossil fuels. The new edition of Dr. Stephen Fonash's definitive text po...
Practical Guide to Accelerated Stress Testing (Quality and Reliability Engineering)
by Mark L. Morelli
The book will allow readers to implement a tried and true, effective and efficient reliability testing and field data analysis program in their organization, one that is rooted in practice and not theory. The end result will be more reliable and safe, and less costly, products and services, that will benefit society. The book will focus on a reliability engineering program that United Technologies Corp has used to develop highly reliable and safe products for many years. Based upon a "design-to-...
How Better Regulation Can Shape the Future of Indonesia's Electricity Sector
This report proposes a new independent regulatory body for IndonesiaOs electricity sector, in particular for investment planning, procurement, tariff setting, and electrification. A situational analysis and review of stakeholder opinions strongly indicates that the current decision-making structures in the electricity sector of Indonesia are inadequate. The report explains the current context and issues in operations and processes. It provides guidance on how an effective regulatory body can be...
Solar Power Technology
This book develops a novel and simple, yet rigorous methodology that, by means of basic techniques and tools available to any engineer, enables the study of solar concentrator performance parameter scattering on the control of the solar field outlet temperature. Several simulations are performed considering a realistic solar field comprised of a large set of solar collectors with slight differences in performance. Sets of scattered parameter distributions are randomly assigned to the collectors...
Design of Advanced Photocatalytic Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications (Green Energy and Technology)
Research for the development of more efficient photocatalysts has experienced an almost exponential growth since its popularization in early 1970’s. Despite the advantages of the widely used TiO2, the yield of the conversion of sun power into chemical energy that can be achieved with this material is limited prompting the research and development of a number of structural, morphological and chemical modifications of TiO2 , as well as a number of novel photocatalysts with very different composit...
This comprehensive fully updated reference will guide you step-by-step in applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process, and building systems for both new design and retrofits. You will learn how to do an energy, analysis of any system. Detailed presentations cover electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, thermal storage, cogeneration, HVAC system optimization, HVAC and building controls, a...
Advancement in Emerging Technologies and Engineering Applications (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
This volume contains selected and reviewed manuscripts from the 2nd Regional Conference on Mechanical and Marine Engineering (ReMME 2018), 'Sustainable Through Engineering,' which was held from November 7 to 9, 2018, at the Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. This conference was organized by the Center of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (CARe) and Center of Marine Engineering (CTME) Politeknik Ungku Omar, Jalan Raja Musa Mahadi, 31400 Ipoh, Perak. It discusses the expertise, skills, and techniques needed...
Testing Novel Water Oxidation Catalysts for Solar Fuels Production (PoliTO Springer)
by Carminna Ottone, Simelys Hernandez, Marco Armandi, and Barbara Bonelli
This book offers comprehensive information on the main techniques for measuring water-oxidation-catalyst (WOC) performance, with a particular focus on the combined use of sacrificial oxidants and dyes within closed-batch reactors. It provides an overview of the latest advances in the synthesis of more efficient WOCs, followed by an analysis of the requirements for sustainable energy production. Readers will find a detailed description of the reaction mechanism used in catalyst assessment systems...
Environmental Consequences of and Control Processes for Energy Technologies
by Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Consequences of
This book discusses how energy efficiency benefits the global environment, national energy security, local pollution mitigation, natural resource conservation, and utility bill reduction. In addition, this book provides many hands-on skills and knowledge to identify and develop energy efficiency projects. The literature review shows that energy efficiency has become the first fuel in the world energy supply. With empirical analyses, this book indicates that without continued investment in energy...