Das vorliegende Buch ist aus einer 2-stiindigen Vorlesung mit dem TItel Weitver- kehrstechnik entstanden, die flir Studenten der Fachrichtung Elektrische Nach- richtentechnik im 6. Semester angeboten wird. Wichtige Aufgaben der Nach- richtentechnik sind die Ubertragung, Vermittlung und Verarbeitung von Nach- richten. Aus diesen drei Bereichen wurde bevorzugt die Ubertragungstechnik aus- gewahlt und in einzelnen voneinander fast unabhlingigen Kapiteln behandelt. Dieses Buch ist als eine Kurzdarst...
Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines (Wiley - IEEE)
by Anand Verma
Provides a comprehensive discussion of planar transmission lines and their applications, focusing on physical understanding, analytical approach, and circuit models Planar transmission lines form the core of the modern high-frequency communication, computer, and other related technology. This advanced text gives a complete overview of the technology and acts as a comprehensive tool for radio frequency (RF) engineers that reflects a linear discussion of the subject from fundamentals to more compl...
Generalized Phase Contrast: (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #146)
by Jesper Gluckstad and Darwin Palima
Generalized Phase Contrast elevates the phase contrast technique not only to improve phase imaging but also to cross over and interface with diverse and seemingly disparate fields of contemporary optics and photonics. This book presents a comprehensive introduction to the Generalized Phase Contrast (GPC) method including an overview of the range of current and potential applications of GPC in wavefront sensing and phase imaging, structured laser illumination and image projection, optical trappi...
Spectroscopy of Semiconductors (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #215)
by Wei Lu and Ying Fu
The science and technology related to semiconductors have received significant attention for applications in various fields including microelectronics, nanophotonics, and biotechnologies. Understanding of semiconductors has advanced to such a level that we are now able to design novel system complexes before we go for the proof-of-principle experimental demonstration. This book explains the experimental setups for optical spectral analysis of semiconductors and describes the experimental method...
This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication (WIDECOM 2018), organized by SRM University, NCR Campus, New Delhi, India, February 16-18, 2018. The conference focuses on challenges with respect to the dependability of integrated applications and intelligence-driven security threats against the platforms supporting these applications. The WIDECOM 2018 proceedings features papers addressing issues related to...
High Spectral Density Optical Communication Technologies (Optical and Fiber Communications Reports, #6)
The growth of Internet traf?c in recent years surpassed the prediction of one decade ago. Data stream in individual countries already reached terabit/s level. To cope with the petabit class demands of traf?c in coming years the communication engineers are required to go beyond the incremental improvement of today's technology. A most promising breakthrough would be the introduction of modulation f- mats enabling higher spectral ef?ciency than that of binary on-off keying scheme, virtually the gl...
Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are used in a host of electronics from cellular phones and global positioning systems to missile systems and radar. They are prized for their high performance and reliability, but they can be costly and highly difficult to produce. Proper design is the key to minimizing these problems. This practical resource is filled with real-world design techniques and rules of thumb that engineers can use on the job everyday to decrease costs and improve prod...
Optical Solitons in Fibers (Springer Series in Photonics, #9)
by Akira Hasegawa and M. Matsumoto
Authored by internationally recognized experts on optical solitons, this book addresses the forefront of technology in the important field of optical communications. It deals with topics from the motion of light waves in optical fibres to the evolution of light wavepackets, and other applications.
The RF and Microwave Circuit Design Cookbook (Microwave Library)
by Stephen A. Maas
Aims to present "proven-under-fire" microwave circuit design "recipes" that can be followed for fast design results. The text offers a complete treatment of FET resistive mixers, which offer the lowest intermodulation distortion of all types of mixers. There is also information on creating both square law and envelope diode detectors.
Microwave Material Applications: Device Miniaturization and Integration
by David Cruickshank
This comprehensive new resource based on the classic Artech House title, Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications, introduces the use of new microwave materials for passive devices including ferrites, magnetization garnets, dielectric materials, and absorbers for wireless and antenna applications. This book explores a new set of magnetic and dielectric materials that assist with size reduction of passive devices such as ferrite isolators and circulators. Revised data on the applications of...
Foundations for Innovative Application of Airborne Radars (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)
by Alexey Nekrasov
The 'wind vector' - wind speed and direction - is a main meteorological quantity and relevant for air-sea exchange processes. This book explores the use of several airborne microwave instruments, some of which are part of standard aircraft equipment, in determining the local wind vector over water. This is worthwhile as local wind information is usually only available at measurements sites like weather stations and airports, and global wind information from satellites has very coarse resolution...
This volume addresses the problem of designing efficient signalling and provides a link between the areas of communication theory and modem design for amplitude constrained linear optical intensity channel. It provides practical guidelines for the design of signalling sets for wireless optical intensity channels.
These disks represent an upgrade of the first version of the software and are now for Windows. C/NL2 is a powerful circuit analysis and optimization program for use on a PC. It now runs under Windows to give a modern graphical user interface, sophisticated graphs and input/output and mouse interface. The C/NL2 allows the user to analyze and optimize gain, return loss, noise performance and nonlinear distortion of a wide range of linear RF and microwave circuits. It is a full-up linear microwave/...
Implanted Antennas in Medical Wireless Communications (Synthesis Lectures on Antennas)
by Yahya Rahmat-Samii and Jaehoon Kim
One of the main objectives of this lecture is to summarize the results of recent research activities of the authors on the subject of implanted antennas for medical wireless communication systems. It is anticipated that ever sophisticated medical devices will be implanted inside the human body for medical telemetry and telemedicine. To establish effective and efficient wireless links with these devices, it is pivotal to give special attention to the antenna designs that are required to be low pr...
This book is focused on wireless infrastructure deployment in modern transportation markets, where the wireless infrastructure co-exists with the existing structure. It details the challenges this deployment may face and explores the mitigation measures to overcome the challenges. The book proposes a smart antenna structure to overcome airspace congestion, which improves the overall wireless performance and deployment cost. With the combination of practical know-how and theoretical estimation,...
Digital Timing Measurements (Frontiers in Electronic Testing, #33) (Suchtproblematik)
by Wolfgang Maichen
As many circuits and applications now enter the Gigahertz frequency range, accurate digital timing measurements have become crucial in the design, verification, characterization, and application of electronic circuits. To be successful in this field an engineer needs to understand instrumentation, measurement techniques, signal integrity, jitter and timing concepts, and statistics. This book gives a compact, practice-oriented overview on all these subjects with emphasis on useable concepts and r...
Porous Semiconductors (Engineering Materials and Processes)
by Vladimir Kochergin and Helmut Foell
Porous Semiconductors: Optical Properties and Applications provides an examination of porous semiconductor materials. Beginning with a description of the basic electrochemistry of porous semiconductors and the different kinds of porous semiconductor materials that can be fabricated, the book moves on to describe the fabrication processes used in the production of porous semiconductor optical components. Concluding the text, a number of optical components based on porous semiconductor materials a...
Wireless Communication in Underground Mines
by L. K. Bandyopadhyay, S. K. Chaulya, and P. K. Mishra
Wireless communication has emerged as an independent discipline in the past decades. Everything from cellular voice telephony to wireless data transmission using wireless sensor networks has profoundly impacted the safety, production, and productivity of industries and our lifestyle as well. After a decade of exponential growth, the wireless industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Therefore, it would be an injustice if the wireless communication is not explored for mining industr...
Application of Visible Light Wireless Communication in Underground Mine
by Simona Mirela Riurean, Monica Leba, and Andreea Cristina Ionica
This book provides a chronological literature review of optical wireless communication, followed by a detailed blueprint of a visible light communication (VLC) setup with the key characteristics of LEDs and photodetectors. Next, the optical channel impulse response and its description for different possible topologies is presented together with a description of the optical and electrical setup for both optical transmitters (oTx) and optical receivers (oRx). Different single carrier and multi-car...