This book contains the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-6), held in Istanbul, Turkey, in August 2006. The BPU-6 Conference covers the most important results and trends in physics, including: Nuclear physics and nuclear energy, gravitation and cosmology, alternative sources of energy, econophysics, biophysics and medical physics, history of philosophy of physics, meteorology and instrumentation.
In these lectures, I have discussed a number of basic concepts that provide the necessary background to the current studies of star formation. A ?rst partwas dedicatedto illustrate the conceptofa protostar,discussing con- tions and propertiesof the collapseof a molecular core. A secondpart deals with circumstellardisks. Disks areimportantnot only to the processofstar formation itself, but also because they are in all probability the site where planets form. The age range of pre-main-sequence sta...
Transmittierender Faraday-Effekt-Stromsensor (Essentials)
by Reiner Thiele
Dieser Band der Reihe Fachwissen Technische Akustik behandelt die in der Bauakustik meistverbreiteten Messmethoden, vom theoretischen Hintergrund uber anwendungspraktische Fragestellungen bis hin zu den nationalen und internationalen Normen. Die Normenreihe der DIN EN ISO 12354 dient dabei als roter Faden, da sie die messbaren Groessen der Bauakustik in einen Gesamtzusammenhang bringt. Ausgehend von den Aufgabenstellungen der bauakustischen Messtechnik werden die in Frage kommenden Kenngroessen...
Vocabulary of Dynamic Measurement (Petroleum Measurement Paper, #10)
Structural Synthesis in Precision Elasticity (Mechanical Engineering)
by Yakov M Tseytlin
The book consists of two main parts: structural synthesis methods for a precision elastic system, including effective approximations; and the application of precision functional elastic systems at reference and operating conditions. Each part provides theoretical basics and a large variety of examples of application and recommendations for parametric and structural optimization. A handbook as well as a textbook, it gives theoretical and practical tools to researchers, instrument system designers...
Evaluating Measurement Accuracy (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology)
by Semyon G. Rabinovich
"Evaluating Measurement Accuracy" is intended for anyone who is concerned with measurements in any field of science or technology. It reflects the latest developments in metrology and offers new results, but is designed to be accessible to readers at different levels: meteorologists, engineers and experimental scientists who use measurements as tools in their professions, graduate and undergraduate students in the natural sciences and engineering, and technicians performing complex measurements...
This practical reference offers state-of-the-art coverage of speckle metrology and its value as a measuring technique in industry.;Examing every important aspect of the field, Speckle Metrology: surveys the origin of speckle displacement and decorrelation; presents procedures for deformation analysis and shape measurement of rough objects; explains particle image velocimetry (PIV), the processing of PIV records, and the design requirements of PIV equipment; discusses the applications of white li...
Randomness and Hyper-randomness (Mathematical Engineering)
by Igor I. Gorban
The monograph compares two approaches that describe the statistical stability phenomenon – one proposed by the probability theory that ignores violations of statistical stability and another proposed by the theory of hyper-random phenomena that takes these violations into account. There are five parts. The first describes the phenomenon of statistical stability. The second outlines the mathematical foundations of probability theory. The third develops methods for detecting violations of statisti...
Structural Health Monitoring Damage Detection Systems for Aerospace (Springer Aerospace Technology)
This open access book presents established methods of structural health monitoring (SHM) and discusses their technological merit in the current aerospace environment. While the aerospace industry aims for weight reduction to improve fuel efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and to decrease maintenance time and operating costs, aircraft structures are often designed and built heavier than required in order to accommodate unpredictable failure. A way to overcome this approach is the use of SHM...
Frontiers of Particle Beams; Observation, Diagnosis and Correction (Lecture Notes in Physics, #343)
This volume presents the latest ideas and developments in the world of beam diagnostics in particle accelerators and storage rings. It brings together papers by internationally recognized experts and by the younger scientists in the field. The lectures treat three main themes: - Phenomena used in beam observation - Single particle parameters - Collective parameters Each theme is introduced by one or more general lectures followed by detailed lectures on specific topics such as Schottky noise, cl...
Light Scattering Reviews 4 (Environmental Sciences) (Springer Praxis Books)
by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
This fourth volume of Light Scattering Reviews is composed of three parts. The ?rstpartisconcernedwiththeoreticalandexperimentalstudiesofsinglelightsc- tering by small nonspherical particles. Light scattering by small particles such as, for instance, droplets in the terrestrial clouds is a well understood area of physical optics. On the other hand, exact theoretical calculations of light scattering p- terns for most of nonspherical and irregularly shaped particles can be performed only for the r...
Petroleum Measurement Manual (Petroleum measurement manual)
Precision Nanometrology: Sensors and Measuring Systems for Nanomanufacturing
by Wei Gao
This volume contains invited and contributed papers presented at the conference on ‘Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials’ held at the University of Cambridge on 2-5 April 2007. The event was organised under the auspices of the Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics, the Royal Microscopical Society and the Materials Research Society. This international conference was the fifteenth in the series that focuses on the most recent world-wide advances in semiconductor stud...
Lasers, Clocks and Drag-free Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, #349)
Preliminary: over the next decade the gravitational physics community will benefit from dramatic improvements in many technologies critical to the tests of gravity. The highly accurate deep space navigation, interplanetary laser communication, interferometry and metrology, high precision frequency standards, precise pointing and attitude control, together with the drag-free technologies will revolutionize the field of the experimental gravitational physics. The Centennial of general theory of re...
Centred on the impact of information and communication technology in socio-technical environments and its support of human activity systems, the study of information systems remains a distinctive focus in the area of computer science research. Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts: Approaches and Methodologies discusses the approaches and methodologies currently being used in the field on information systems. This reference source covers a wide variety of socio-technical...
Temperature Corrections in Tank Calibration and Gauging (Petroleum Measurement Paper, #11)
Sciences of Geodesy - I
This series of reference books describes sciences of different elds in and around geodesy with independent chapters. Each chapter covers an individual eld and describes the history, theory, objective, technology, development, highlights of research and applications. In addition, problems as well as future directions are discussed. The subjects of this reference book include Absolute and Relative Gravimetry, Adaptively Robust Kalman Filters with Applications in Navigation, Airborne Gravity Field...
This text introduces the concepts of temperature and its measurement to engineers, physicists and chemists of all disciplines. The author describes the wide range of techniques and specific devices available for temperature measurement and provides guidance for the selection of a particular method for a given application. Aimed at postgraduates and industrialists faced with the task of selecting a particular measurement method or senor for an experiment, product or process, this text provides bo...
Experimental Methods of Phase Diagram Determination