Life Assessment of Industrial Components and Structures (ERA Report, 93-0690)
In 1791, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton wrote that "not only the wealth, but the independence and security of a country, appear to be materially connected with the prosperity of manufacturers." Centuries later, U.S. manufacturing jobs continue to be outsourced at an all-too-rapid pace. Examining the current U.S. manufacturing environment, including the unsustainable trade imbalance, Intelligent Manufacturing: Reviving U.S. Manufacturing Including Lessons Learned from Delphi Packard Electr...
Employment, Trade and Labour Costs in Manufacturing (Single Market Reviews)
This is the fourth volume of subseries VI of 39 volumes of the Single Market Review, an authoritative picture of the effects of economic union on European industry and its competitiveness. The volume is up to date, containing the latest facts and figures at the time of publication.
Millennial Monsters (Asia: Local Studies / Global Themes, #13)
by Anne Allison
From sushi and karaoke to martial arts and technoware, the currency of made-in-Japan cultural goods has skyrocketed in the global marketplace during the past decade. The globalization of Japanese "cool" is led by youth products: video games, manga (comic books), anime (animation), and cute characters that have fostered kid crazes from Hong Kong to Canada. Examining the crossover traffic between Japan and the United States, Millennial Monsters explores the global popularity of Japanese youth good...
20 Jahre Fraunhofer-Institut fur Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO: Zu diesem Jubilaum werden in diesem Buch die fur das Informationszeitalter wichtigen Themen des Technologiemanagement ausfuhrlich und praxisnah dargestellt und mit aktuellen Beispielen aus der Projektarbeit verdeutlicht. Durch seine anwendungsorientierten Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Technologiemanagement hat sich das Fraunhofer IAO seit seiner Grundung im Jahre 1981 nationales und internationales Ansehen erworben. Wirtsc...
Einsatz von kleinen Blockheizkraftwerken im Wohnungsbau, oekonomische-, energetische- und oekologische Analysen
by Rainer Valtwies
Additive Manufacturing for Designers
by Amelia M. Elliott and Cynthia Waters
Additive Manufacturing, also known as AM or 3D printing, is a class of manufacturing processes that create objects by shaping material layer by layer. Having demonstrated the ability to produce miraculously complex geometries, it is broadly claimed that AM will have endless applications as the technology improves. However, underneath the hype surrounding this technology is a world of nuance and constraints as well as highly strategic applications. Additive Manufacturing for Designers: A Primer,...
Reducing Operational Costs in Composites Manufacturing
by Karen Snyder Travis
Reducing Operational Costs in Composites Manufacturing provides organization-specific principles for managers working in the composites industry. It utilizes a "how to" format for reducing operational costs and provides examples for each principle. In the first two sections, readers learn how to evaluate the existing environment to determine the best course of action when developing a plan to achieve goals. This is followed by a deeper understanding of why character strengths are important, and...
This new game book for understanding atoms at play aims to document diffusion processes and various other properties operative in advanced technological materials. Diffusion in functional organic chemicals, polymers, granular materials, complex oxides, metallic glasses, and quasi-crystals among other advanced materials is a highly interactive and synergic phenomenon. A large variety of atomic arrangements are possible. Each arrangement affects the performance of these advanced, polycrystalline m...
This handbook provides an introduction to modern manufacturing techniques, explaining their concepts and capabilities. It covers employee empowerment, total quality management, quality systems ISO 9000 and QS 9000, total preventative maintenance, just-in-time manufacturing, computer simulations, process re-engineering and project management. Each technique is presented in a self-contained chapter, and is supported by figures, tables and examples. Each chapter moves from a definition of the manuf...
Polymer matrix composites are used extensively across a wide range of industries, making the design and development of effective manufacturing processes of great importance. Manufacturing techniques for polymer matrix composites (PMCs) provides an authoritative review of the different technologies employed in the manufacture of this class of composite. Following an introduction to composites and manufacturing processes, part one reviews the manufacturing of short fiber and nanoparticle based po...
Linseed-Oil-Press Tender Work Log (Key Work Logs/Work Log)
by Key Work Logs
This book sheds light on the development of the cold spray process in applications of additive manufacturing (AM) and repair/remanufacturing engineering. It covers the process fundamentals of different cold spray techniques, namely low pressure cold spray and high pressure cold spray process. Bonding mechanism and powder substrate interface are an important part of the book. The chapters present the recent developments in materials used in cold spraying for AM and various coating applications. T...
Cement Manufacture, Lime Manufacture and Associated Processes (IPC Guidance Notes, No. 3. 01)
World Textile and Apparel Trade and Production Trends
Advances in Engineering Design (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME 2018). The book covers mechanical design areas such as computational mechanics, finite element modeling, computer aided designing, tribology, fracture mechanics, and vibration. The book brings together different aspects of engineering design, and will be useful for researchers and professionals working in this field.
Recent Advances in Mechanical Infrastructure (Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure)
The book contains high quality papers presented in conference Recent Advances in Mechanical Infrastructure (ICRAM-2019) held at IITRAM, Ahmedabad, India from 20-21 April, 2019.The topics covered in this book are recent advances in thermal infrastructure, manufacturing infrastructure and infrastructure planning and design.