The Workplace Walk-Through is the first volume in a series dedicated to providing physicians with more advanced tools for performing not only the routine tasks involved in occupational medicine, but also the most unusual and challenging assignments.
New Directions in Manufacturing
The processes and techniques of manufacturing have changed substantially over the decades and that evolution continues today. In order to examine the potential impacts of these changes, the Department of Commerce asked the NRC to design a workshop to focus on issues central to the changing nature of manufacturing. The workshop brought together a number of experts to present papers about and to discuss the current state of manufacturing in the United States and the challenges it faces. This repor...
The two-volume work presents applications of integrated membrane operations in agro-food productions with significant focus on product quality, recovery of high added-value compounds, reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact. Volume 1. Dairy, Wine and Oil Processing. Volume 2. Wellness Ingredients and Juice Processing.
Many books on dynamics start with a discussion of systems with one or two degrees of freedom and then turn to the generalization to the case of many degrees of freedom. For linear systems, the concept of eigenfunctions provides a compact and elegant method for decomposing the dynamics of a high dimensional system into a series of independent single-degree-of-freedom dynamical systems. Yet, when the system has a very high dimension, the determination of the eigenfunctions may be a distinct challe...
Caxton's Trace
"Caxton's Trace is an excellent collection that takes up an important and understudied moment in the development of vernacular literature." -Ethan Knapp, Ohio State University "This is a significant contribution to the history of the book. It examines the reified idea of the separation between the medieval and early modern period in a sophisticated and illuminating way. The essays engage the problematics of periodization while also interrogating the twin notions that print somehow mystically tr...
Industrial Automation and Control System Security Principles
by Ronald L. Krutz
The use of cyber warfare as a prelude or substitute for conventional attacks has gone from conjecture to reality. The obvious targets of such assaults are a nation's defence establishment, critical infrastructure, and production capabilities. Contrary to popular opinion, there are effective, structured defences against such aggression, if they are conscientiously and properly implemented and maintained. This text merges the fundamentals of information system security and the unique requirements...
The Chemistry of Fragrances (RSC Paperbacks)
by David H. Pybus and C.S. Sell
"Modern perfumery is a blend of art, science and technology, with chemistry being the central science involved. The Chemistry of Fragrances aims to educate and entertain, and inform the audience of the very latest chemistry, techniques and tools applied to fragrance creativity. Beginning with the history of perfumes, which goes back over fifty thousand years, the book goes on to discuss the structure of the Perfume Industry today. The focus then turns to an imaginary brief to create a perfume, a...
Code of Practice for Electromagnetic Resilience [Incorrect ISBN - Cancelled]
by The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Impacts Of Science & Technology On Currency Internationalization
by Peter Guangping Zhang
For decades, science and technology (sci-tech) have influenced world trade, world economy, and international finance. However, their specific impacts are seldom known and related empirical studies are rare. Thus, we must quantify and empirically explore how sci-tech influences such areas as mentioned above. The purpose of this book is to explore how sci-tech influences world trade, foreign exchange, and currency internationalization in various ways through quantifying science & technology first....
Art de Faire Le Papier (Nouv. Ed.) (Ed.1820) (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Jerome De Lalande
Approaches to Reducing the Use of Forced or Child Labor
Globally, child labor and forced labor are widespread and complex problems. They are conceptually different phenomena, requiring different policy responses, though they may also overlap in practice. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) was designed to reduce the use of child and forced labor in the production of goods consumed in the United States. The Act was reauthorized in 2003, 2005, and 2008. In response to provisions of TVPA, the the Bureau of International Labor Affairs...
Oil and Gas, Technology and Humans
The oil and gas industry is going through a major technological shift. This is particularly true of the Norwegian continental shelf where new work processes are being implemented based on digital infrastructure and information technology. The term Integrated Operations (IO) has been applied to this set of new processes. It is defined by the Centre for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry as 'work processes and technology to make smarter decisions and better execution, enabled by ubiqu...
The objects that fill our everyday environment such as streetlights and railway tracks are so familiar we hardly notice them. Larger, more exotic facilities like nuclear power plants have transformed vast tracts of the landscape. With a new chapter reflecting on recent disasters, Infrastructure is a compelling explorer's guide to the world we've made for ourselves.
Practical Guide to Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Technology
by Robert Keller
Advanced Water Treatment of Estuarine Water Supplies
by Scott Weddie, Andrea Flores, Ronald Hofmann, Kim Mowat, Natalie Paradis, Robert C. Andrews, Edward G. Means, Joe Loveland, James R Leserman, and Michael J. McGuire
The author of the book discusses the essence and social consequences of the postmodern era in the field of psychology of work and technology. He describes the relationship between the human being and the goals achieved through the use of technical tools, which is of interest to the industrial and engineering psychology. The second chapter provides a detailed classification of operator-machine system models: technocentric, anthropocentric, and operator-machine interface. In the third chapter, the...
Making Value
Manufacturing is in a period of dramatic transformation. But in the United States, public and political dialogue is simplistically focused almost entirely on the movement of certain manufacturing jobs overseas to low-wage countries. The true picture is much more complicated, and also more positive, than this dialogue implies. After years of despair, many observers of US manufacturing are now more optimistic. A recent uptick in manufacturing employment and output in the United States is one fact...
Immigration Policy and the Search for Skilled Workers
The market for high-skilled workers is becoming increasingly global, as are the markets for knowledge and ideas. While high-skilled immigrants in the United States represent a much smaller proportion of the workforce than they do in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, these immigrants have an important role in spurring innovation and economic growth in all countries and filling shortages in the domestic labor supply. This report summarizes the proceedings of a Fall 2014...